Mrs. Mary Frances Baker Simmons

Mrs. Mary Frances Baker Simmons
(September 16, 1941 - August 16, 2021)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Chapel
Viewing Date & Time: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 / 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Funeral Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Chapel
Funeral Date & Time: Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.
Interment Location:

Guestbook For:

Mrs. Mary Frances Baker Simmons


  1. Mom I miss you along with all of your advice it still hasn’t come to me yet but I’m sure it will I’ll miss you forever and can’t get used to you being gone love always your oldest son Ronnie

  2. Mrs. Simmons ( The best Mother-in-law ever) I am truly going to
    miss you, from day one you welcomed this 15 year old girl into your heart as your son’s girlfriend. Never judged me or my relationship with Glenn always had kind words to say. I remember my 16th. birthday you prepared a seafood dinner for me with stuffed clams, fried shrimp and lobster, I found pearls in my clams which i still have šŸ˜Š. For 42 Yrs. you treated me with the utmost respect, allowed me grow up with you guys no questions asked, I will miss our talks about whatever the kids, the grands, our doctors appointments, your trips, what was for dinner that night, you making outfits for church events, the things you are doing at church but most of all I’m going to miss just talking to you and hearing you laugh šŸ˜¢. You here people say how hard it is to get along with their In-laws well not me I love you and Mr. Simmons like my second parents, Love You, Missing You hugs and kisses šŸ˜˜

  3. My deepest condolences to the Simmons family. Love you Ms. Simmons rest easy now, you are in Gods care.

  4. no words can truly explain how deeply hurt i am. i canā€™t even think of you without bursting into tears. i wish i communicated with you more and i wish we lived closer together. A big hug from you would be so comforting right now. i wish i couldā€™ve hugged you one last time before you went. now that i canā€™t its the only thing i ever dream of. i will miss that big beautiful smile of yours. you are forever in my heart. i love you for eternity and i will keep your memory alive for as long as i live.

  5. I wish I can get back so much more time with you great grandma, Iā€™m sorry for not doing as my grandfather asked which was checking up on you along with great grandad. You always made sure that I ate well. Iā€™m known for my love for food & I donā€™t think Iā€™d love food like I do if it werenā€™t for you & my grandmother. The memories I have with you shall always be in my mind & the love will always flow through my heart. You were the definition of ā€œeverybodyā€™s everythingā€. You were never half-hearted, you always gave everything all the love & energy it needed, maybe even more. Even though you arenā€™t physically here, I can still feel you around especially when Iā€™m at your house. I broke down in a room alone when I realized you werenā€™t in the house, but now youā€™re home so Iā€™m happy. You were rich in kindness & intelligence, passed it on to your kid, itā€™s been being passed down to generations. Itā€™s clear for me to see. I love & miss you, from your first great grand kid. ā€œThis isnā€™t goodbye, this is goodnight iā€™ll see you in the morningā€. I love you

  6. My condolences to the family… Elana Williams Rountree & Alisa Williams Howard…. Daughters of deceased Kathleen Williams who loved her cousin so much

  7. My sincerest prayers and condolences are extended to the family of Mrs. Mary Simmons. Mrs. Simmons was very instrumental in my life and my children’s life especially my daughter as she was her caregiver for many years. She loved my family as if we were her own family. She will forever be in our hearts and in our memory.

  8. My sincere condolences to you and the family. Our prayers are with everyone who been blessed to have known such a special woman, for she was that to anyone who had the honor of knowing her. God has her now but she will forever be remembered an always missed by everyone.

  9. Sending Prayers of comfort and peace.

  10. To Curtis,

    Sending our deepest condolences to you and your family. Much prayers and blessings to all whom have travel for a safe return home.

    Boston and Terry

  11. My condolences to the Simmons family. Your family are in our thoughts and prayers. When we are weak God is strong. During your time of mourning lean on family, friends and especially God. Your thoughts and memory of your Mother, wife, grandmother, sibling or friend will never fade. She will forever remain in your heart. Much love

  12. Cousin Mary Francis you will truly be missed never forgotten your loving kindness has touched many .

  13. Grandma Iā€™ve been missing you every day every hour every minute every second since Iā€™ve received the call. Iā€™m going to miss your cooking and calling you to just talk about anything, thank you for never judging me and loving me unconditionally. I will always love you and will forever miss you

  14. Dear Curtis Baker I am sorry I could not have been by your side at this very sad and difficult time for you. You know that I would have given everything to be by your side in this sad moment. However, it has been impossible for me due to details that you already know.
    I can’t imagine how you and your family may be feeling right now. I wish today and always, that the memories of love bring you peace, comfort and strength.
    And may God bless and give you peace during this time of mourning and remember those we love never leave, they walk with us day by day. My condolences to you my love and your family.

  15. Aunt mae you will truly be missed, I have so many good memories of you, going way back to the Brooklyn days, I love you & going to miss you, love ur nephew Adrian

  16. You were my children grandma and we alI loved you so much. You have been loved by so many and you will be missed by all.

  17. Aunt Mae, your loving kindness will also be remembered. We look forward to the day when Jehovah’s Promises are fulfilled at
    Acts 24:15 “And I have hope toward God, which hope, these
    men also look forward to, that
    there is going to be a resurrection
    of both the righteous and unrighteous. Paradise here on earth.

  18. One of our favorite things to do each year was to go down over to Aunt May’s, and hang out with her and our cousins, aunts and uncles on the holidays. May was always a sweet and cheerful person, and a true matriarch to her family. We’re all going to miss her.

  19. My deep sympathy to the Simmons and Baker family. Mrs. Simmons treated me like a daughter. She will truly be miss and always in my heart.

  20. Ma I know I put you through some rough days and some long nights but I am grateful to the chance to redeem myself and bring you pleasure joy happiness and loyalty I love you forever I would love you like no other and I will always and forever miss you may the gates of heaven toot the horn in celebration that a good woman a good follower a good believer has joined their family

  21. Please accept my deepest condolences. I am thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.

  22. Gonna miss you Mother Simmons.
    Our sincere condolences to the family. You are loved by many especially your VOH familt.

  23. Condolences to the family I’m so thankful for being apart of her life she excepted me never judged me and loved and embraced me as part of her family I’ll miss her and that funny shy like laugh she had and because she was a believer one day I’ll see her again


  25. My condolences goes out to the Simmons and Baker families. I am so grateful for the times we spent together talking, laughing and just hanging out with May Francis and getting to know each other again. I will miss and will always love my cousin.



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