Ms. Annie B. Ellis

Ms. Annie B. Ellis
(May 22, 1928 - December 28, 2021)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Chapel
Viewing Date & Time: Monday, January 3, 2022, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Funeral Location: Trinity Baptist Church, 2521 Richland Street Columbia, SC
Funeral Date & Time: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 12:00 noon
Interment Location: Antioch Baptist Church, 150 Antioch Road St., Matthews SC

Guestbook For:

Ms. Annie B. Ellis


  1. My condolences to the Ellis family praying for your
    peace at this time may you find comfort in knowing your love on is with our Lord and if you walk as she did you will see her again I pray God will give you the peace to just trust in him and know he will make
    everything alright as you live this life the way your love would want you too pray for strength through this time,

  2. Deepest condolences to the Ellis family. May God continue to watch over you and keep you during this difficult time. Know that God will never leave you or forsake you because you belong to him. God is able to get you through the most difficult times so keep looking up knowing that he hears your prayers and thoughts. Trust him in all that you do. Sincerely, Brenda Irby

  3. Grandma,
    Thank you for your words of wisdom, your listening ear, the stories you shared, your infectious laugh, and the legacy you left behind. I already miss you. Tell grandpa, Aunt Faye, Aunt Liz, Uncle Ronnie, and Uncle Willie I say hello. Ray already misses you calling him Kyle. Love you always. Until we meet again…🌺

  4. To The Ellis Family. Our Heartfelt Condolences in The Loss Of You Mother. Words Alone Can’t Express The Sorrow We Feel. Pray That Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ Will Give You The Courage,and Strength You Need To Get By One Second, One Minute, One Hour and One Day At A Tiime. We Love You and Where Just A Phone Call Away.

    ” Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
    And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.” John 14:1-4 KJV

    From The Family Of The Late Mrs Ozie Emond.

  5. I just always thought about how regal, tall and gentle she was when I first met her. Reminded me of the women who lead communities in the African villages. So warm and loving. Sam, Wanda, Courtney, Kimberly, Kendall and Mike lost a loving woman, and God gained an angel. She’s watching over all of you. Our condolences. The Kajogbolas

  6. My heart will miss you Mrs Annie Bell. I’ve known you since I was a teenager, by the nano of Tina. We came back together again and I had the pleasure of dressing your hair once a month. And you were always concerned about other people. I will remember your smile, wise words and laughter.

  7. My heart will miss you Mrs Annie Bell. I’ve known you since I was a teenager. We came back together again and I had the pleasure of dressing your hair once a month. And you were always concerned about other people. I will remember your smile, wise words and laughter.

  8. I am very saddened to hear about the passing of Mrs. Ellis. Her daughter Liz and I were friends and that is how I met her. She was a beautiful and kind lady.
    My family and I send condolences to the Ellis and Clark families.
    May God forever keep you in his care at this difficult time.

  9. To the Ellis Family,

    You have our deepest condolences on the passing of your loved one. We pray that you will find comfort and peace in the coming days. We will keep you in our prayers.

  10. With sympathy to you and your family. May God wrap his arms around you and give peace and hope in your time of need.

  11. I wish to extend my sincere condolences to the Ellis and Clark families. I met Annie Ellis in 1972 when I first visited her home with her daughter, Elizabeth. In this time of sadness, may the Ellis and Clark families be comforted in the knowledge that we care.

  12. Sincere condolences to the family.

  13. Wanted the Ellis family to know how very sad I am about their loved one’s death. I believe the Lord has left all of you with fond memories. May you find peace when you think of your loved one in your heart.

  14. I met Ms. Ellis years ago when one of her grandsons and I became close friends during college. I always enjoyed conversations with her and the wisdom that she provided. So thankful that I was blessed to meet her and celebrate the milestone of her 90th birthday with her and her family! You will definitely be missed, Ms Ellis!

  15. Mrs . Ellis and I share many conversations on every Mondays and use to on Thursdays.. My relationship with her came as no surprise to either one of us. I love closeness we share as her care giver making share I was there to provide the care and the service she needed from me. I’ve grown to love her just as she was my family My disbelief of her gone is unimaginable but she’s in a better place and I never forget the times I spent with her over a year. Writing fir her and listening to her want to be alone at times RIP my sweet Lady gonna miss you dearly

    . Love you forever RIP Care giver

  16. My grandmother’s home was an anchor for my soul. She was my summers, my holidays, my birthdays & my good days. My accomplishments are hers, my memories are her, & now a piece of my heart is gone with her. She is reunited with her 2 daughters; & I will live like her in Kindness Grace & Faith so I too can be reunited on the other side.

  17. Annie Bell, I am so grateful that you were the head of our family for 92 years. My children are blessed to have been able to know you. We miss and love you very much. Hug my Mom for me. Love, Your Granddaughter

  18. An amazing woman! I could not have been blessed with a more loving, generous, and thoughtful mother in law. We shall miss you! But we are so grateful to have had you in our lives for so many years. Rest in peace.



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