Mr. Elijah Nesbitt, Jr.

(May 13, 1954 - September 4, 2023)
Viewing Location:
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Fort Jackson National Cemetery 4170 Percival Road Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Friday, September 15, 2023 / 12:00 Noon
Interment Location:
To Zena and the Nesbitt family, you have my sincere sympathy. I am praying for the family.
To Zena, Buster and the Nesbitt family you all have our deepest sympathy.
Caroline Ross, Joyce Brown, Janice Friday and family.
Love you all
I was in disbelief when I heard you had left us….it was too soon brother. I know you’re resting in peace but I will still miss you. I love you, now take your rest junior. Love your sister Zeaner
My condolences and prayers are with you and your family. May you rest in peace.
Our sincerest condolences, from the C. A. Johnson Class of 1972
Bidding you safe passage to the other side Sir.
Love always your nephew Carol Nesbitt Sr.
God has spoken it is well R.I.P
Love all my family Carol
Condolences to the Nesbitt family and our friend Mrs. Thelma Dianne Truesdale. We are in prayer for you.
RIP my brother(Airborne Rangers Lead The Way)
Rest in peace uncle jr. Love Jackie
I love you granda’ RIP 💞