Mr. George P. Wigfall

(December 1, 1948 - March 17, 2024)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home, 1831 Taylor Street, Columbia, South Carolina
Viewing Date & Time: Friday, March 22, 2024 / 10:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.
Funeral Location: Lincoln Cemetery, 4900 Farrow Road, Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Friday, March 22, 2024 / 12:00 Noon
Interment Location:
Our deepest sympathy and condolences and prayers to the family and relatives.
Rest in paradise Heaven.You will certainly be missed.🎹🎼
Rosalynne Grant Pyatt
George’s passing has left us with a deep sadness, however, our hearts celebrate the fact that he has moved on to eternal tranquility and serenity. We will cherish the memories of George playing the piano on our Sunporch. We will cherish the memories of his laughter and smile at our dining room table for our numerous family Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter Dinners. We will cherish the heartfelt talks of life shared on our back deck about life.
Yet our souls rejoices with victory. As George would often sing on the church choir, “This Morning When I Rose I Didn’t Have No Doubt.” We definitely know that the Lord has taken care of him. We know the Lord has provided for him. And He will Lead and guide George safely to his eternal home.
Always in our hearts,
Robertann Grant Blake and Daughters
Pawleys Island, SC