Mr. Herman Stevens McDaniels

Viewing Location:
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Chapel, 1831 Taylor Street, Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Saturday, November 18, 2023 / 1:00 P.M.
Interment Location:
To the McDaniel family,
I am truly sorry to learn of the passing of Herman. We worked together at Nevamar in Hampton SC. Herman was a joy to work with and always had a smile to offer. There have been many days I think back and laugh of our times at work. I hope everyone in your family finds strength though God to continue in life and keep Herman’s memories alive.
Sleep and get your rest Steve
To Sister Dorothy Evans and all the McDaniel family I share in your loss of your son, your brother, your uncle Steve. The New Covenant Missionary Baptist Church Jubilee choir send our love, our prayers and our encouragement for you to rely on your faith during these most difficult moments. As a believer in Christ Jesus, we know that all things are ordained by God. Therefore I encourage you to trust God and to know that he does not make mistakes. Cry if you must. But know that God like I said do not make mistakes. Remember the good times and maybe even some of little bad times that you shared with Steve. Thank God that Steve WAS. And do not dwell on his absence. God will comfort your heart and you shall rejoice.
Our deepest condolences goes out to the McDaniel and Caldwell family, friends and relatives. During your time of bereavement. Herman fought a good fight till the Lord sent for him. Blessings and love to you all 🙏💗🙏. Peace
To the McDaniel Family and love ones, our deepest Sympathy and Condolences to you. May our God the Father Comfort and Strengthen you. May He give you His Loving Hand to help Heal your sorrow and touch your Hearts with Peace only He can give. We Love you Family.
Sederis Cochran and Samuel Family.
Wow! i meet Steven 2013 , we became close friends he always had this a smile on his face,once we came close, we start going out enjoying life,a couple of years ago he told me he were moving to Seattle Washington but that didn’t stop my love for him! My dear beloved friend I will miss you again in flesh you will always be in my heart RIP.
Steve and I met shortly after my family moved to Washington Heights in 1973. We then became the best of friends and were virtually inseparable. We didn’t see much of each other in our adult years, but I never forgot and will never forget my long-time friend Steve. RIP my brother. I’ll miss you.
To the family, my condolences are with you all. May God strengthen and comfort you during your time of bereavement. Continue to trust God.🙏🏾 Kevin B. Entzminger