Mr. Johnnie Jerome McRant

(September 28, 1960 - April 8, 2023)
Viewing Location:
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: St. John Baptist Church 260 Reverend Neal Circle Hopkins, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Friday, April 14, 2023 / 10:30 A.M.
Interment Location:
To The Family of The Late Mr. Johnnie Jerome McRant: Pastor Sammy and Mary Wade would like to express our heartfelt sympathhy to the family on the transition of your loved one from this earth. Mr. Jonnie, Pastor Wade and I (Mary) will continue to pray for your strength in the Lord. Trust God in all things. Your son is in the hands of the Lord. Be blessed.
Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolences
May The Lord give comfort to the family. Keep your hand in God’s hand,sleep in peace.. God’s love.