Mr. Judge Neapoleon, Sr.

(December 6, 1945 - June 13, 2022)
Viewing Location:
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Universal Outreach Church of God in Christ 220 N Tower Drive Irmo, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Saturday, June 25, 2022 / 2:00 P.M.
Interment Location:
Brother -in -law,,we still can’t believe you’re no longer with us physically .😢. We truly miss you , and most of all we will miss those weekends when YOU and Shelia came down and spent time with us.. Wheeler and I truly enjoyed having you in our presences. The laughter and the wise jokes you made was hilarious. Brother-in-law you were one of a kind and was always willing to help . Your gentle spirit will always be remembered in our ♥️ and our home. The memories of you will always be cherished . 💔❤️🩹
We ❤️You forever
Wheeler & May
Brother -in -law,,we still can’t believe you’re no longer with us physically .😢. We truly miss you , and most of all we will miss those weekends when YOU and Shelia came down and spent time with us.. Wheeler and I truly enjoyed having you in our presences. The laughter and the wise jokes you made was hilarious. Brother-in-law you were one of a kind and was always willing to help . Your gentle spirit will always be remembered in our ♥️ and our home. The memories of you will always be cherished . 💔❤️🩹
We ❤️You forever
Wheeler & May
Paw Paw,
Thank you for 29 amazing years. You never missed a birthday & Mother’s Day. And birthdays are holidays lol but you never missed not one! Even the not so good ones where we didn’t talk. Because love doesn’t vanish even if we don’t agree with one another and our actions. Thank you for all the times you showed up for me but I’m especially grateful and thankful that you were able to meet and spend time with your great grandchildren. I feel Like I’m always running out of time. In my eyes I had time and reality sets in that I didn’t but I find comfort and peace knowing you gave your life to Christ! I know Everyone is sad because physically we’ll never get another phone call, another text message, or another kiss on the cheek. Nothing, but 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 says,
Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.
So, I know I’ll see you again! Get the rest that you deserve and we’ll see you again. We will all be okay. Sad, broken but we will be okay.
Love always,
Bay I am at work in tears. When I first heard that you left me it didn’t feel real but after seeing this obituary and planning for your memorial on Saturday it hit me. Seeing the sweet comments about you from family and friends has me so emotional.
I told you daily how much I loved you and were blessed to have you in my life. You showed me how a man is supposed to love, protect and provide for his family. Best believe I will make sure my husband has those same qualities when it comes down to my kids & I. I am so sad that you never got the chance to walk me down the aisle or even watch me become a mother. That was one of my dreams, but it’s okay I know your spirit will forever be with me. One thing you made very clear was that you loved me and did not play about me under any circumstances and I know you knew the feelings were mutual. You were just an all around stand up solid man Bay. I am going to miss you so much smh. You were quiet and kept to yourself yet touched everybody that crossed paths with you. You will forever be remembered!
*hugs & kisses -Love Kay
Daddy, Your son in law Darryl and I bought you some new cross for Father’s Day, had your initials on them and a car, that was what you did, the car man, lol.
I miss you so much. Monday June 13th was the date that God needed you more than we needed you.
I going miss our talks, your jokes and our special place was Burger King, lol, it was just me and you.
I love you daddy, you will forever be in my heart! Sleep in peace!😘❤😥😢😭
I will miss you my dear friend. Thank you for all the long talks, for being my friend. You was good man and I’m going to truly miss you! I’m so sorry to see you go. My prayers are with Shelia, your children, & all your family and friends. May you sleep in peace big brother. Love, Bruce & Bren Holmes
I bought you a Father’s Day card that I had planned to send the week leading into Father’s Day but God decided that your time here in the physical form was no longer in his plans. You took his hand sometime that morning on June 13th. I did not cry at first because for some reason I already knew what my big sister was about to tell me you transitioned.
This last week has been up and down. One mintute I’m strong and the next minute tears are falling. I missed you before you left because we lived in different states but I knew I could at least talk to you over the phone or facetime you. Now I don’t have those options.
All I have now are the memories and the sound of your voice and your laugh playing over and over in my head. I’m so sad my girls did not get to learn how cool of a paw paw you really were. I’m so sad that my girls did not get to experience who you were and did not get to see your face light up more often. It’s a whole new world out here now that you and my mom are gone. The only thing that gives comfort is knowing that you both are at peace and I’ll see ya’ll again.
Your Father’s Day Card said, “As a father and person, you gave so much to everyone you care about. And especially today, you deserve to hear how very much you’re admired and appreciated and how very much you’re loved.
Happy Father’s Day!”
Love you Daddy,
Your baby girl, Rena