Mr. Marquell Tavaiou Walker

(September 17, 2004 - July 20, 2022)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Chapel 1831 Taylor Street Columbia, South Carolina
Viewing Date & Time: Thursday, July 28, 2022 / 2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Funeral Location: Church of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith 1632 Germany Street Columbia, SC
Funeral Date & Time: Friday, July 29, 2022 / 1:00 p.m.
Interment Location: Lincoln Cemetery 4900 Farrow Road Columbia, South Carolina
For two weeks I have tried to come up with words to express my feelings. As a parent you never want to say goodbye to a child. I say this all the time to my students “you may leave my classroom but you will never leave my heart.” A week ago, I visited with your mom and wrapped my hands around her. I have prayed for her every night since. Yesterday, I saw you for the last time. It broke my heart to see you gone. Today and for the rest of my life, I know you are looking down on Kaleb and I. I know God has wrapped you in his arms. You are already missed my precious student!
My family became stationed at Fort Jackson 12 years ago. My son (Kaleb) and daughter (Kaycee) attended North Spring Elementary. At that time my son had been to four school in four years. As a mom helping my children move schools can be pretty stressful. My son can be a pretty quiet kid, he would worry each move who would he play with at recess with? Who would he eat lunch with? Every move before dropping him off I would tell him “You can do it son! Find one person and introduce yourself. Ask them a question?” Kaleb was in 2nd grade at North Spring when I picked him up in the car rider line. I began to ask how was your day. Usually I had to pull out information. But not this day. He rushed into the car and said “I have a friend.” Marquell asked me my name. He asked me would I like to play. We played all of recess together and he even sat with me at lunch. Marquell quickly became Kaleb’s best friend. When that happened you heard everything he got to do with Marquell. They worked on math problems together, they read books, ate lunch,etc, Our family heard all about it. Kaleb came running to me the day before his birthday saying please get cupcakes and put Happy birthday Kaleb and Marquell. Kaleb thought it was so cool that he and his best friend had the same birthday. They would tell people they were birthday twins. Every school year from 2 to 5th grade, I would make sure to send in cupcakes and Mrs Morrison would send in doughnuts. The boys had it all figured out.
I also became a teacher at North Springs. When the boys moved to third grade. I became Marquell’s resource teacher. I was a little worried Marquell might think “man I cant get rid of this Dial family” but that simple wasn’t the case. Kaleb and Marquell might have been best friends but when people would asked Kaleb and Kaycee who my favorite child was they would both respond Marquell.
Most teachers get to watch a student grow over 180 days. I had the opportunity to watch Marquell grow over 540 school days. Literally, 540 days because Marquell and I never missed school.
Anyone who meets Marquell will first notice his smile. His smile would light up the room. When you spoke to Marquell you would notice his manners. No matter what happen that day in school he would always say “yes ma’am or no ma’am.” When you got to really know Marquell you would get to know his sense of humor. Marquell had a way of making a joke or telling a story that would make you laugh out loud.
Marquell was very private.
If you had a chance to really get to know Marquell and he allowed you to build a relationship with him. You would see is that he loves hard. Marquell had such an amazing heart. Marquell sometimes struggled in school and his homeroom teachers would call for me and I would come and get him and bring him back to my room. Usually it wouldn’t take long and Marquell would explain to me what happen and what was bothering him. Every time he came in my room and when he would go to leave he would hug me and say thank you. I am ready to go back to class. I can’t explain it but his eyes just kind of always told me what was going on without really talking to each other.
Marquell loved hard and was very protective. It’s was ok if Marquell was upset but if he felt like another student was being rude to me he wasn’t having it. Marquell also had a soft spot for student in need. He never picked on students who struggled but he would stuck up for them. Especially, if he saw a student he felt was being bullied. Marquell was the protector. He was always trying to protect Kaleb. Kaleb would shared stories in elementary and middle of things I didn’t know was happening but he told me after we heard about Marquell passing. I was speechless. Kaleb explained to me how Marquell helped him when someone was stealing his lunch in elementary school and when someone was picking on him in middle school. Kaleb would say “it’s ok Marquell I got it” but Marquell just always wanted to protect his friends. Marquell was a great friend to Kaleb. I am so glad the Lord put you in our lives Marquell!
Marquell may have left my classroom and left this world way to soon but this young man will never leave my heart. You are truely missed Marquell!
Love the Dial Fam!
My condolences goes out to the family, as a mother I can’t even imagine. I will keep the family in my prayers. You’re now an angel in heaven Marquell.. Sorry you had to leave us so soon…
My Condolences heart heavy Praying for My Bonus Family Walker, Shay and his extended family coming home that’s day .. I will never forget get your rest gone too soon friend of the family
I didn’t know the young man, but I knew his family, my heart goes out to the family, I just want to let you know we love you all, if we can do anything let us know.
I love u lil cuz I going miss u
My heart goes out to the family I didn’t know him but my heart still hurts he was taking away from his love ones so early I know he’s at peace 💔😔
To Larry & Jackie and the Davis Family. My heart skips a beat every time I think about your loss. I vividly remember Marquell bringing so much joy to your lives. Remember the joy and love that you gave and have. Gone in body, but he lives in your (our) hearts forever. God our creator makes no mistakes and he truly loves all of us. I love you all. Keep trusting God ❤️🩹❤️🩹
Our hearts will love you until eternity Marquell. 😘❤️😘❤️
Aunt Dot
Though there are no words to ease your pain, remember that he is now in heaven, in God’s loving arms where he is now at peace. My prayers and sympathy to you and your family.
“For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ.” Colossians 2:5
Tammy Harrison-Edwards & Family
Columbia, SC
To the Morrison and Davis family we have many memories of Marquell that can’t be taken away. We had 17 solid years of love for him that didn’t turn off. Marquell might have been born a Walker but you were raised as one of Jackie’s kids and the baby of Grandma Sis Grandkids.
Nephew I hate to see you gone so soon couldn’t even get to see you and sayy last good bye or I love you but when you to where your going telling every body I said hello now that you setting up high and looking down below we know your watching over us at all times so I will see you on the other side love you now that you got your wing fly and fly high get your rest baby
Everybody is in my prayers. Keep you’ll head up and stay blessed
Keep Devona Davis and her family in our prayers.
Devona Davis: My heartfelt condolences goes out to you and your family. Keep the Faith.