Mr. Olden Alexander Zimmerman

(January 19, 1949 - October 24, 2022)
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Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Inurnment: Fort Jackson National Cemetery 4170 Percival Road Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Friday, November 4, 2022 / 3:00 P.M.
Interment Location:
Words can’t express how much I miss my Uncle Olden. He was giving and loving even unto death. God blessed us with him and he leaves a space in our family that can’t be filled. Olden was one of a kind.
To Mr. Olden Family, May you find comfort in God. A truly lovely Soul. From, Wanda, a caregiver at Christopher Towers.
To Well Loved To Ever Be Forgotten . Rest in Peace. Sister-in-Law Marian (Sweetpea ) Zimmerman & Niece—Devin Zimmerman
Olden will surely be missed here at Christopher Towers, Our Lost, but God’s Gain, I’m sure he will be welcome, in the present of the LORD.
Olden will truly be missed by the card players at Christopher Towers. Rosalee and family, Grief can be so hard, but our special memories help us cope. Remembering you and your loved one today and always.
Mr. Z was the life of the party!! Every time he visited our office, he made us laugh. He was a joy and we’re missing him already. We pray Heaven finds your jokes funny, too.
Sleep on Mr. O! You will truly be missed here at Christopher Towers.You would always lend a helping hand big or small. Not a day went by, and the residents at Christopher aTowers didn’t stop by Front Desk asking have I seen you
Olden always had a kind word for everyone. I will miss him and his “I love you!”
Olden and I became the best of friends through God’s Music. Four years ago I began playing the piano for the Sunday Service. Olden had been directing the singing for the Service for many years. His love for God was expressed through his singing.
He will truly be missed in the Sunday Service. Another of his ministry was helping people here at Christopher Towers. We will all miss Olden.
Thanks to his loving wife, Rosalee for sharing his time and arranging flowers for the table in church. God bless her and his entire family.
Olden and I became the best of friends through God’s Music.
Four years ago I began playing the piano for our Sunday Service. Olden for years had led the singing and he truly loved it. He will be truly missed, not only from the Church Service but the many, many folks he helped here at Christopher Towers that loved him.
Thank you Olden and Rosalee.
Olden was the personification of a Christian servant. He was always ready, willing and able to help others. Olden was a selfless man with a huge heart. As Ms. Cooper has pointed out, he was a big part of the Sunday afternoon worship services at Christopher Towers, leading us all in song and imparting Biblically-based insights filled with wisdom and a love for the Lord. A great man like Olden does not come along too often. All Christian men can look to Olden as a man to emulate. God bless you, Brother Olden!
Mr. O will be missed. A true friend for all. God needed another angel. Bless his wife and family. Mrs Rose Lee will all will miss him
Olden will truly be missed by many, always willing to help anyone who needed him. A common fixture at our Sunday service at Christopher Towers leading songs as well as scripture when needed. A real angel here on earth, always kind & smiling. God bless Rosalee & all the family.