Mr. Richard Washington

Mr. Richard Washington
(September 2, 1944 - August 19, 2021)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Chapel
Viewing Date & Time: Thursday, August 26, 2021/ 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Funeral Location: St. Phillip A.M.E. Church Cemetery
Funeral Date & Time: Friday, August 27, 2021 - 9:00 a.m.
Interment Location:

Guestbook For:

Mr. Richard Washington


  1. Coach will be missed. He was always so nice.

  2. Love, Prayers, and Condolences to and for your entire family.

  3. Praying God’s love provides you strength, comfort and peace now and in all the days to come. We love you always.

  4. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you and pray that God continues to bless and strengthen you.

  5. Ann, May God continue to hold you and family in His bosom! Our condolences to you!
    Ernest and Linda Stevenson

  6. My sincere condolences to the Washington family. Coach Washington was a wonder teacher; he will be missed by many.

  7. My condolences, may God strengthen you all at this very difficult time, and days to come.

  8. To Ann Pringle Washington and family:

    Dear Friends be encouraged in the lord and in the power of his might. While you are hurting due to the loss of Richard’s presence try to remember that he has completed his assignment and has moved on the the next position god has called him too. Since I have known Richard he has always impressed me as being a trail blazer for himself, his family and others. Richard has accepted his call and will continue to be a trail blazer while performing his heavenly call. We will see and meet him again one day.

  9. Wendy and I will truly miss Richard. He was a dear friend. We send our love to the Washington family and pray God grants you comfort in this time of loss. Though our hearts are heavy, we know Richard lives eternally.

  10. There were three of us that were very close in high school and through the years. Richard was one of the three and I will always honor the memories. When God comes back I believe we will see each other again.
    God bless the family.

  11. Love you all much!!!

    Franklin Jr. and family

  12. My condolences to the Washington family.

  13. To the Family of Mr. Richard Washington:

    Believers Who Have Died

    13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope.

    14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.

    15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.

    16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

    17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

    18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

    May the word of God comfort you during your time of sorrow.

    From: Vernon Haney and Family, Detroit, Michigan

  14. May the Spirit of the Lord console the entire Washington Family and may Richard rest in peace with the Lord.

  15. Dr. Ann and Family you have our Deepest Sympathy on the passing of Richard.

  16. Coach Washington was a gentle giant whenever you saw him he was always the same willing to help in any way he could.He was a kind loving clam and respectful man. I’m truly going to miss seeing his smiling face coming into Dollar General. Heaven has gain another angel rest on Coach until we meet again.

  17. Condolences to My Cousin. Your family is in our Prayers,

  18. My sincere condolences to the family of Coach Washington. I had the pleasure of working with him at Webber school. He was always a kind and devoted teacher. May God comfort you during this time.

  19. Condolences to the Washington family- Couch was a leader a mentor a strong person who never followed a falling crowd he always stood tall and his presence was graceful everywhere he went. It was great pleasure to be around him.

    I know that the good Lord will see you through your endeavors.

    May God bless you and keep you in perfect peace.

    Sincerely, Rev James Robinson and family

  20. Condolences and prayers to Dr. Ann Washington, children and the Washington family. May you all find comfort.

  21. My condolences goes out the the Washington Family, May God continue to bless the family. Coach Washington will be miss. God Bless. Charles Duckett& Family

  22. Sending my sincere expressions of condolence to the Pringle-Washington Family. I will always remember Mr. Washington’s distinguished demeanor, kind heart, and gentle spirit. May he continue to rest among the angels.

    With kind regards and sentiments of sympathy.

    Dr. Traci Young Cooper

  23. Condolences to the Washington family-

    Coach Washington’s life spoke for him year after year – Exceptional was he as a husband, father and friend of all friend
    His dedication and kindness simply- did not end.

    May heaven smile upon you family as you cherish the moments until you meet him again.

    I thank the great God for accepting Coach into his heavenly home.

    Sending much Love- Peace and understanding

    Sincerely, Janice Robinson

  24. My condolences to you Ann, Ebony, Richard, grands and family. May Richard rest in peace until when the “Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the Trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first:” I Thess. 4:16

    Charlotte Harris

  25. Condolences and prayers to the Washington Family; Ann, Children, grandchildren, Andrena, Ray, and others.


  27. It was my good fortune to work with Coach Washington at Webber School. He was a devoted teacher who inspired his students and earned the respect and admiration of his colleagues. He loved his hometown of Eastover and contributed greatly to it.

    I was one of many whose life was richly blessed by Coach Washington.
    I will always remember his gentle, compassionate spirit as well as his willingness to share his significant gifts with others.

    I pray that God will comfort Ann, Ricard, Eboni and the Eastover community as they mourn his loss. Rest In Peace, Coach Washington.

  28. Father, Your Word says that You are the God of all comfort, who comforts our hearts in times of tribulation.Therefore Father, I call upon You on behalf of the Washington Family. I pray that you would comfort their hearts in the loss of their love one Coach Richard Washington. I also pray for every family member,friends and all others that are grieving and hurting over this loss.May you strengthen and comfort each of their hearts and lives.Thank You Father as they commit Richard into Your hands.❤️

  29. Sincere, heartfelt condolences to Ann, Eboni and Ricard. Richard will be missed by many but I am sure there is a host of angels that is welcoming him home. May God bless you with all you need to get through this hour of bereavement.

  30. Sincere, heartfelt condolences to Ann, Eboni and Ricard. Richard will be missed by many but I am sure there is a host of angels that are welcoming him home. May God bless you with all you need to get through this hour of bereavement.

  31. Mrs Richards
    We offer our condolences to you, Ricard & entire family. Your kind and generous hospitality once extended to us left a forever grateful impression. May the Holy Spirit blanket you in love and comfort as only He can. ( John 14:26 AMP). In our prayers.
    Ronnie & Janice Johnson

  32. Ann, we are very saddened by Richard’s passing. We are praying for your strength and peace now and in the weeks and months ahead. May you all find joy and comfort in the beautiful memories you made together.

  33. My sincere condolences to the family of Richard. May the peace of God’s presence be with you.

  34. May your soul rest in peace. It’s been a pleasure knowing you and your family. You will be missed.

  35. Condolences to Dr. Ann Washington and the entire Washington family on August 22, 2021 at 7:30 A.M.

    May God strengthen you at this difficult time and in the days ahead as you retain precious memories of your loved one.

    Richard will be greatly missed by his church family, the Eastover community and the people with whom he came in contact.

  36. To Ann, Ebonia, Ricard and family members, may the joy of the many loving and wonderful years you have shared with Richard bring you the strength needed during this trying time.

    From our family, we will keep the memory of Richard’s friendship, kindness and his gentle spirit close to our hearts. You have our love and support and deepest sympathy as Richard Rest In Peace.

  37. I was blessed, as a student at Webber, to have Coach Washington as a Coach and shop teacher. I admired his patience, kindness, and desire to encourage and push us to do our best. I pray that God continues to provide you with peace, comfort, and understanding.

    Sending sincerest condolences.

  38. Condolences to Dr, Ann Washington and the entire Washington family on August 22, 2021 at 7:30 A.M.

    May God strengthen you at this difficult time and in the days ahead as you retain precious memories of your loved one.

    Richard will be greatly missed by his church family, the Eastover community and the people with whom he came in contact.

  39. My sincere condolences to Dr.Ann Washington and family. Coach Washington was my teacher, role model and family member.May you find comfort through prayer during this difficult time.💐

  40. Condolences and prayers to Dr. Ann Washington, children and the Washington family. May you all find comfort.

  41. John & Mart Robinson on August 21, 2021 at 1. 00 pm.

    Condolences to the Washington family. Richard was a calm and gentle person, We will all miss him daily. Our prayer is with the family.

  42. Condolences and prayers to the Washington Family.

  43. Condolences to the Washington family. Coach Washington (as he was known) was a gentleman of a man. As I put it . In working with him in education at the school leve he was very professional. Earth’s sorrow is Heaven’s gain. Praying for strength for Ann and the family. Pastor & Lady Gilley.

  44. Condolences to the Washington famiky



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