Mr. Robert Henry Green, Jr.

Mr. Robert Henry  Green, Jr.
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Guestbook For:

Mr. Robert Henry Green, Jr.

1 Comment

  1. Henry, Patricia, and Taira, I am soo saddened to learn of Little Henry’s passing. Watching he and Taira grow up next door was always enjoyable. Watching them both grow into adults, was something that seem to happen more quickly that I think any of us expected. Henry Jr. was always polite, respectful, and well mannered. He made both of his parents proud. I would take nothing for knowing him as he grew into a Man. He always had a good sprit about himself. I wish I could have gotten to spend more time with him. Nothing is harder that losing a child. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless All of You.
    Joseph Tollison – W. Columbia, SC



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