Mr. Robert Lee Robertson, Jr.

(June 19, 1948 - August 23, 2024)
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Sending Prayers and condolences to Mother Robertson and the Family. May God continue to give you all Strength and cover you with his love. Uncle Lee will be missed.
To auntie Alice and the family. My deepest condolences regarding the departure of my uncle Lee. I didn’t know that he had departed until today. Peace be to you uncle Lee. Keeping the family lifted up in my sincere thoughts and prayers. Niece Yarmyla James
So sorry for your loss. Praying for the family. I thank Mr. Robertson so much for teaching me all the ends and out at Ballentine Elem. running machines and all. Because of him I am now a supervisor, and owe it all to him. Thank you BOSS get your rest.
Mr. Robertson and I worked at Ballentine Elementary School together. Every morning I got a mini sermon. When I needed lifting up, he encouraged me. When I was a bit too proud, he humbled me. He was a blessing. He will be missed.
To the Robertson family, you are in our prayers! Truly, Deacon Robertson was a soldier of Jesus Christ!! His songs and testimonies will always be in our hearts! We believe and know that the will of the Lord has been done! We just have to accept the will of God! Much love to Mother Robertson, Deacon Shay, Sister Consuela, and all of the children, grands and great grands!
Sending our deepest sympathy and condolences and prayers to the family and relatives and friends.