Mr. Roger Moore

Mr. Roger Moore
(September 7, 1966 - November 28, 2024)
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Funeral Location:
Funeral Date & Time:
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Guestbook For:

Mr. Roger Moore


  1. My sincere condolences to the Moore family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Roger was a great friend and co – worker.

  2. The family has my deepest and sincere condolences during your time of bereavement and the days ahead. May God shower down His Blessing to bring you solace.

  3. My deepest condolences goes out to the family. I worked with Roger for 6 years at the Fire Academy a very special man he did whatever he could to help everyone out. The family is in my prayers

  4. My sincere sympathy and condolences and prayers to the family and relatives and friends.



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