Mr. Thomas Alonzo Grant III

Mr. Thomas Alonzo Grant III
(November 21, 2002 - September 11, 2022)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home 1831 Taylor Street Columbia, South Carolina
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Leevy's Funeral Home 1831 Taylor Street Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 / 11:00 A.M.
Interment Location: Greenlawn Cemetery 561-573 Campbell Street Hartsville, South Carolina

Guestbook For:

Mr. Thomas Alonzo Grant III


  1. If your scared to die don’t be afraid to live

  2. I am going to Truely miss you Thommie we shared some goods days as friends and coworkers. I’m just in disbelief about this whole situation you had your whole life ahead of you. I’m going to remember the days we sat on the dam and just looked out to the sky and sun. Your truly going to be missed my friend. Until next time

  3. My heart goes out to the family. Praying for God’s peace to bring you peace during this difficult time. May your memories of Thomas comfort for the days and years ahead.

  4. Thomas never thought you would leave us so soon. Met you in 6th grade and we’ve been friends ever since. I’m going to miss you texting me with memories from school or even just to check on me. Praying for your family. Until we meet again my

  5. Thommie and I spent 3 years together in marching band during high school. Not only was he the funniest person ever but he was always so positive and could never be in a bad mood. Such a genuine soul. We miss you already and we all love you down here🤍🤍

  6. Thommas, my family is very sad about your departure. We will always remember you and when we went out to eat, when we went to church, and when we took you to the party and you laughed at Latin music. Our consolation is that one day we will see you again.

  7. Such an impeccable soul! Such a refreshing laugh! Such a remarkable source of positive energy! You were truly a remarkable creation of God! Your ability to move the atmosphere with your presence will forever more be everlasting in the hearts of those you crossed paths with and came in contact with personally! In life we are taught to utilize the lessons we learn from those we meet along the way on our journey in life! Thanks for being the brightest beacon of peace, hope, joy, and understanding. Your time with us was paramount and you’ve created hallmark moments! Sleep in peace and continue to watch over us all while we live out the positivity you’ve left with us all. To the family, this is such a difficult time but he has made a blissful and remarkable change in all of our lives and his life tremendously created a gateway of peace for many. My love and condolences are with you all! 🕊🤍🕊🤍🕊😇🙏🏽🙏🏽

  8. Thommie! I am going to miss you my friend. The short time we had was awesoome!

  9. Tonya there are no words for the pain you must be feeling. Just know we are praying for you and your family during this time. May God comfort and strengthen you.

  10. Not once did I think I would be saying goodbye so soon. We shared many laughs together from the time we were in elementary all the way up to high school. You always were a bright free spirited person and that’s what I loved most about you. We literally planned to hangout soon but never made ends meet. I’ll miss seeing you and laughing at our inside jokes that only we understood… I love you always.

  11. In reading the article…… my heart goes out to the family even though I do not know you personally. I pray for the love of God to strength & comfort you & the family during this extreme difficult time.

  12. Praying for the Grant Family
    in your time of bereavement.
    May God give you the understanding and strength to endure all things.

  13. It’s unbelievable how some of us say goodbye. Only a few days ago you were just checking in with me to see how I was doing. I would’ve never known that would be our last time ever messaging each other. You will never be forgotten my friend. My condolences to your loved ones during this hard time. R.I.P Thommie 🕊



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