Mr. Warren Wilson

Mr. Warren Wilson
(February 20, 1958 - August 12, 2021)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Chapel
Viewing Date & Time: Monday, August 16, 2021 - 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Funeral Location: Lincoln Cemetery
Funeral Date & Time: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 - 11:00 a.m.
Interment Location:

Guestbook For:

Mr. Warren Wilson


  1. To God be the glory towards the life of his family that resides under the covenant grace of God. As the transition has been made. The will of God is present. May He continue to allow us to seek his face towards a service we’ll pleasing in Him.

    In God’s speed
    Pastor: Joseph Aiken

  2. Condolences to the Wilson family. Our College Place neighbor, friend and family. From tag football, basketball, racing to see who was the fastest and a few karate kicks. Those were days that we grew from boys to men. Track Town was our community adopted name for Middleton St, Middleton Ct and Gary St. So hard to say goodbye to yesterday. RIP Warren Wilson.

  3. My condolences to the family.

  4. Warren miss. A great friend of.mine. a great humble guy. Alwaya humble a great encouraging guy.

  5. Condolences to the Wilson Family

  6. My condolences to Warren Wilson’s family and friends. May God continue to bless and strengthen you. Amen!!!

  7. My Condolence to rhe Family RIP Warren from your son and his mother Jeffery Evans Kathy Evans

  8. My Brother from another mother, My Friend for life and in death. I thank you for the many fun times we experienced together. We together have changed our part of this world in a special way.

    I will honor our pac and our promise to each other for as long as I am on this earth.

    Sophia, Lil Warren, I can’t begin to tell you how special your father was and is. His body is gone but his spirit will be with you forever.

    Do not lose sight of those you know truly love you because you may look around one day and they will be gone.

    FAMILY is more important than ANYTHING AND ANYBODY.

    WE will always be in your corner and just a phone call or text away.

    Warren, I will miss you my friend.
    God Speed

  9. Sophia and Family,
    May God bring you peace and comfort as you deal with this difficult loss. May He give you His strength over the next days, weeks and months.

  10. Sophia and family, my prayers are with you as you deal with this difficult loss. May God bring you Peace and bring you even closer to Him during the next days, weeks and months as your rely on His strength.

  11. My deepest condolences to Sophia. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones right now. I hope you’re able to find peace and comfort during this difficult time.

  12. Warren Wilson your Greenview tennnis family love you we will miss you and your beautiful smile and we all enjoyed watching you play tennis here at Greenview rest in peace our friend

  13. I knew Warren for almost 5 years while working with him. I don’t think that I ever saw him without his smile. It is very hard to deal with losing someone as special as Warren but we must remember that he is in a much better place now. Rest in peace my friend.

  14. It is so hard to express the loss of a dear person and relative. Warren you presence in this family will be missed. You were one off the rocks. I wish you much love and hope on your final journey. I wish much love for to his son and daughter, and blessings to the rest of the family

    Cousin Rudy

  15. To the bereaved family, I pray God’s strength during this time. Warren was a true servant and giver of life. He gave his time, energy and resources to meet the needs of others. I’ve never heard him complain. He kept a smile on his face and a joke in his back pocket. He will surely be missed until we meet again.

  16. Our sincere and heartfelt condolences to Sophia, Warren Jr and your entire family! What a privilege it has been for our family to call Warren our brother in Christ and a precious friend. He exemplified God’s unconditional love not in words alone, but in how he gave of himself to others with whatever he had! He is at the gates and the balcony of heaven with a huge smile on his face cheering us on to run the race we’ve been given with faithfulness! Thank you Warren, your legacy of love and service will live on in our hearts forever.

  17. We can’t really put into words all that Mr. Warren was to our family. One of the of the most selfless persons we knew. He was more than someone we went to church with. More than our t-shirt and printing guy. More than our to go person for our vehicles. He was like a dad to the Wilson family! Getting Ed straight when it came to life… Making sure the kids and I were good when Ed goes out of town. And much more! We loved him like family, because that’s who he was to us and will always be in our hearts! Rest in Paradise, Mr. Warren! I know God is pleased!

  18. So sorry for your loss praying for the family and friends 🙏

  19. Sorry for your loss he will be missed loss had fun talking to him when I was taking care of his mom we would laugh when him mom would call him to make sure we was up for work on Saturday morning when I come over I have my prayers

  20. Our deepest sympathies to the family and friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  21. My deepest condolences to the Wilson family on the passing of Warren.

  22. To the Wilson Family,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. I’m deeply sorry for the death of your loved one, my friend Warren. May God our Farther be your source of strength in the days ahead.

    Kenneth Johnson & Family


  24. Sending condolences to the Wilson family, I met Warren years ago when they moved 2 doors down from us on Gary St., we got to walk to school together all through elementary school. and went to high school together, then would run into each other throughout the years. I last saw Warren before the pandemic at Bruce birthday party at park & we took pics together & talked. You will be missed, but take your rest.

  25. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
    Romans 8: 28
    The years were too few, but the love was great. I know Warren fought his illness with dignity and courage, but now he has found peace.
    Love always,

  26. Wow this one hit hard!! Warren was my friend, I met him in middle school, he always had the ability to make me laugh. My condolences go out to his family. I was extremely blessed to know him, RIP Warren no more pain my friend. Until we meet again…

  27. To my First Cousin and My Friend!!!

    Warren. Brother i will always miss you dearly!!!! You are a Good and Great Wilson! God Bless you Cuz and i know you will always look down and watch over all of us and i thank you tremandously for that. Everyone always mentioned how much we looked alike and that always ment alot to me! I LOVE YOU CUZ and i always will!!! Many Blessing to his Daughter and Son and Mom!!!!

  28. My Condolences to the Wilson and we will have y’all in our prayers for you to have comfort during this difficult Time. Warren was great man of God and he is very uplifting and encouraging and loving to all of us and he is like a brother to all of us and we just appreciate him for being there when we need him the most and he will be missed and he will live on in our hearts. RIP Brother we love you and we will miss you so much and thanks for everything you did for us.

  29. My deepest condolences go out to Sophia and the entire Wilson family; as do prayers for God’s loving comfort.

  30. To every family member, friend, and/or associate impacted by the loss of Mr. Wilson, please know that there is a word for people like you…OVERCOMER. It is not about being naturally strong but knowing from whence your TRUE strength comes…and you do. This moment may be quite challenging for you, but with God, you are stronger. Others cannot help but notice how He shines through you. May God’s peace wrap around you like a blanket. And may you be forever reminded that you are being held securely by the overcoming love of God (Romans 8:35-39). As we continue to pray the Father’s perfect and direct will for you and your family, we pray that you will stand still and know from whence your help cometh. Be blessed knowing that you are not alone. The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be valuable, honorable, compassionate, and have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. It is your unlimited power to care and love that can make the most significant difference in the quality of life. Kindness, quite simply, is the rent we must pay for the space we occupy on this planet. It is possible in ways both large or small to make a difference in someone’s life. Often it is said, “…it takes a village to raise a child…” I believe that it takes a village for the survival of one another because we are not islands. Mr. Wilson touched so many lives. His legacy of kindness and precious memories will forever remain in our hearts and minds.

  31. Sophia, my prayer is for the love and mercy of God to cover and comfort your entire family as you grieve your loss – and celebrate the life of your father.

  32. My condolences and prayers to the Wilson family. Warren will truly be missed as a dear friend. SIP my dear brother.

  33. Condolences 💐

  34. A true man of God, a Mentor, a Counselor, and a Friend that is who has went home. Thank You my brother for all that have poured into my life. The experiences and conversations that we have shared I will cherish forever. I rejoice in the absence of your pain, I will keep my smile on my face even through the pain.

    To the family we wish you peace as you grieve our prayers are with you

    I Love you my Brother
    Rest easy

  35. My cousin I love you. You were always very positive and pleasant to be around. I can be okay with this because I know that you loved our Heavenly Father and he loves you more than we could have ever loved you. Take your rest cousin and I will always have fond loving memories of you.

  36. As much as this hurts me to write I am comforted in knowing that you are at peace. I met you on September 10, 2010 when you hired/ welcomed me into the Pep boys family. Over the first year you taught me work ethic, and integrity. Over the next 8 years you became a father figure to me. I always called you my pops. You encouraged me as a single mother of five and helped financially whenever it was needed. The one thing you always said to me when we spoke almost weekly was ” Tamika you gotta trust God” he’s here for us. God has added a beautiful rose to his garden and although I was not ready, God was ready for you.
    Sleep on brother Wilson.

    Praying for Sophia, Lil Warren, the grands and his family

  37. I send my deepest condolences to Sophia and Warren through this difficult time. Your father was truly a blessing in my life and taught me everything I needed to know about the automotive industry. I will miss the guidance that he still continued to give me. I miss you dear friend love you.


  38. Sophia, Warren and family,
    I pray God’s blessings of comfort and more during this difficult time. From the months of sitting across from Warren while on dialysis, up to the times he received his miracle kidney transplants and I received mines, to this very moment,Warren has been my friend, hero, cheerleader and little big brother with a voice of a giant. Thank you Warren for your love and support. I love you and will miss you dearly.

  39. Warren you are the most selfless man I know. You are so charismatic, always smiling and laughing and making others laugh and smile. You helped me out by letting me use your truck in 2014. I used your services to expand my business. You’re such a great guy, I’m honored to call you my friend and brother in Christ. Enjoy heaven, we will see each other soon enough.

  40. RIP Warren

    Herb Williams

  41. Prayers and condolences to the family of my dear friend, brother in Christ, and fellow church leader at C2C! How wonderfully blessed we have been to have had Warren in our lives!! His love for God, his natural and spiritual family and people in general was evident in all he did and said!! Farewell my friend!! Get your praise on now for sure!!!

  42. My deepest condolences go to Warren’s family. I have known Warren since high school, as always being positive and wonderful to talk with. God bless Warren’s memory.

    His Friend

    Lillian (Knightner) Taylor

  43. While this is very hard to accept, it know that you are no longer in pain. Sleep peacefully Uncle Warren.

    Love always,

    Tiffany “Tip” Ashford



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