Mrs. Emma L’Netta Plair Walker

Mrs. Emma L’Netta Plair Walker
(August 13, 1933 - January 11, 2025)
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Guestbook For:

Mrs. Emma L’Netta Plair Walker


  1. Our deepest sympathy and condolences and prayers to the family and relatives and friends.

  2. There are not too many people that I have known for 50 years of my life that were the epitome of compassion, consistency, & credibility (family, friends, & over 40 years of ministry/chaplaincy experience included). I am happy to share that you, Emma Walker, was one of those people! As one of my first Sunday School teachers, you were one of my early influential educators! With quiet grace & substance, I will be forever grateful for your love for your family! Yes, the world 🌎 is a better place because of you! I am sure that your husband & Sister (Reverend Walter Walker & Hattie) welcomed you with open arms in Paradise! May your legacy continue to be a blessing to all (especially your daughter Martina, grandson Walter, niece Tracie, & the Truth Baptist Church family). Love & Blessings upon your beautifully blessed soul!



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