Mrs. Willie Mae Williams Burke

Mrs. Willie Mae Williams Burke
(November 5, 1929 - December 14, 2021)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Taylor Street Chapel
Viewing Date & Time: Monday, December 20, 2021 2:00 p.m.
Funeral Location: Brookland Baptist Church 1203 Summit Parkway Way, Columbia, SC 29229
Funeral Date & Time: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 11:00 a.m.
Interment Location: Jerusalem Branch Baptist Church 576 Jerusalem Branch Road, Salley, SC

Guestbook For:

Mrs. Willie Mae Williams Burke


  1. I’ve known Ms Willie all my life, she was good friends with my Mom, who passed away in 2011. Ms. Willie came to my Mom’s funeral and continued to stay in contact with me. We would talk for hours. I will truly miss her wisdom and her wit. I tried to get in touch several times after the new year, and eventually tried to contact her daughter Cecilia, without success. I am sending my love and condolences to her family. Ms. Willie was one of the strongest women I’ve ever met. May she and my Mom, Geraldine Patterson, continue their friendship in Heaven.

  2. My mom and I are sorry to hear about the passing of Mrs Willie Mae . We met at the James Adams Senior Center. We kept In touch after the Center had been closed. The last time I talked with her was the week of Thanksgiving. I just found out today she had passed.i will miss her. We. Use to talk a while when she would call. She was a sweet lady.

  3. Grandma,

    As the days go by it’s set that this now reality. You guided and prepared us for the world with your strength, courage, and LOVE, but never prepared us for the world without you. As I continue on this journey called life without you physically by my side, I will forever cherish our weekly calls and running errands (which was never just one store). No matter where I am the fruit will never taste the same because it didn’t pass through your hands. YOU WERE THE BEST GRANDMA EVER!!!

    Love you MY O.G. ❤️
    “ Let’s go to the club”

  4. Grandma,
    As the matriarch of our family, your wisdom, strength, and compassion were immeasurable. I will always treasure our times together as memories flood my brain. I can only smile and have tears of joy when I think of how much you’ve had such a positive impact on our family and friends and persons we have yet to meet and will never know. I know that you are still with me and all of us as this type of love transcends past the physical plane. I know that you and granddaddy are looking down and smiling, knowing that your legacy is strong and more powerful than we can imagine….even when we dont act like it or take full grasp. Love you forever

  5. Mrs. Willie Mae Burke

    I still remember the day you told me to call you Willie. You always made me feel so welcome.
    I will always keep you in my heart for showing your son how to love. Yes, he will miss fixing your favorite dishes.

    We know you have to rest in internally peace.
    Sleep well my amazing mother in-law. We would truly Miss you.

    Love you to the moon and back ❤️.

  6. I am deeply saddened to hear of Ms. Burke’s passing and honored to have known such a beautiful lady, both inside and out. Thank you for holding my seat at Brookland Northeast when I was running late and thank you for all those life stories as we sat and awaited departure.
    To the family, please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Rest in heavenly peace my friend.
    Love you

  7. Condolences to the Burke Family
    We will miss Ms Burke’s beautiful

    Will continue to keep the family in prayer

    Deaconess Celeste H Williams

  8. My deepest condolences to the Burke family. I will miss our talks and cherish the wisdom she left with me. She was so beloved by many and I will miss her.

  9. Mommy you are my Saint …
    I will carry your life lessons forever
    I love you❤️

  10. Mommy… its 4pm…our time…I miss our talks…I miss you. Your strength and spirit lifted me daily. It continues although your not here in the flesh…you are with me always. I love you.

  11. Mrs. Willie Mae, I only knew you for a short time but you welcomed me to the family with open arms. You will me missed

  12. My awesome incredible no nonsense Aunt Willamae. You will truly be missed. Forever you will be in our hearts.

  13. Ill always admire your strength. Your no nonsense, straight from the hip attitude. Thanks for giving me the love of puzzles. The ability to speed walk where ever I go. Thanks for just being you. No chaser. Im gonna miss you. Love you always.

  14. Thank you for being you. Thank you for loving your family unconditionally. I’m so glad that I have memories, pictures and videos of your beautiful, vibrant and sassy personality. You really left a mark in this world and everyone you’ve come in contact with. You will truly be missed. I love you.

  15. This is the hardest, darkest period of my life, but I am so blessed to have had you for 62 years. I love you Mommy and you will be forever in my heart.

  16. My Condolences to the family! Going to miss this sweet lady, we sat in the section at church every Sunday and would save our seats for one another if they were running late.😀R.I.P

  17. Grandma,

    I had 32 years with you and what I wouldn’t give for 32 more years with you.

    I love and miss you dearly. I will carry you with me in my heart everyday until we meet again.

  18. Ms. Burke your smile, your jokes, your faithfulness will truly be missed. It was always a pleasure to see you evey Sunday seated in front of me. I was so saddened to hear of your passing. You were so full of life. Take your rest Ms. Burke until we meet again. Love you

  19. Sister Willie Mae Burke was one of the most Loyal, Faithful and Committed members of the Wednesday Midday Bible Study Students and the Brookland Banquet Northeast Church. Rain or shine she was going to drive her car and make the sacrifice! We will greatly miss her smiles and friendliness. May her soul rest in Eternal peace with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.



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