Ms. Andrena Taylor

(March 4, 1927 - December 27, 2023)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home, 1831 Taylor Street, Columbia, SC
Viewing Date & Time: Sunday, January 7, 2024 / 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Funeral Location: Northminister Presbyterian Church, 6717 David Street, Columbia, SC
Funeral Date & Time: Monday, January 8, 2024/11:00 a.m.
Interment Location: Fort Jackson National Cemetery, 4170 Percival Road, Columbia, SC / 1:00 p.m.
To the Taylor family…Mrs Taylor will be missed tremendously by many…she was a very prominent stature of her community. My condolences to the family…you all will always be in my heart!!! Love you all!!!
“Well Done Thy Good And Faithful Servant”
Jamal, Andreana, Kennedy, Jericka, Jamilla and remaining family,
As I reflect on Mother Taylor my flesh is sad but my heart is rejoicing from the love, respect, admiration and joy that I felt while being in her presence.
Not one to “hold her tongue” I recall the first time meeting her while dating John, she told me “If you two break up, you are always welcome here” ( to her home) and while “we” didn’t make it Mother and I did!😁💞 When I moved back to Columbia I would visit 2-3x a week…I enjoyed the shopping trips, the lunch outings, the Commissary runs, or just sitting in the kitchen chatting over a good meal…I remember after I moved to Alpharetta, GA I would try to come and visit her every other month and on one visit when she was on Clemson Rd it was getting late and I was tired… Mother offered me her couch…I quickly was revived…Mother kept that heater on 100 degrees (I’m SURE🤣🤣🤣🥰) Because I spoke of her so much, my church, Round Top MBC, (Blythewood) Pastor Flemming McClinton & Deaconess Yolanda Brown adopted Mother for Christmas and purchased whatever she wanted and delivered it to her last year upon her going back home.
I could go on and on about Mother Taylor, she truly was a Mother to me while living in Columbia AND after moving away.
Family, THANK YOU so much for sharing the last 13 years of her life with me! It was a pleasure to meet you all when you came to visit along with her Red Hats & Golden Educators.
Mother Taylor, the work you did SPOKE for you!
Until we meet again,
Condolences to the Taylor family. She was a fine lady and the beautiful mother of my cousin, the late Ralph Jefferson. I have fond memories of her. May she rest in peace.
The officers and members of Richland County Education Association- (RCEA-R) extend our deepest sympathy to the Taylor family. We are most appreciative of the leadership that Mrs. Taylor gave to our organization and her many years of service teaching youth in the community. Our prayers and support are with you during this difficult time.
Ida W. Thompson, President
Mrs. Andrena Jones Taylor,
a lifelong educator and longtime President of the RCEA- Retired Educators, was a fellow educator of whom I befriended years ago during my tenure as an active member of RCEA/SCEA.
I found out that her late sister, Avie J. Lamar & my Aunt,
Irma Kohn Bellinger, were good friends for many years . That made us relate, even at another level of friendship.
I also had the privilige of teaching her niece & nephew (Gina & Joey) at CAJ many years ago, who incidently were very fine individuals.
Family, please know that I will cherish the time that I met and knew Mrs. Andrena J. Taylor and will remembet her life of service to our children as a longtime educator & her leadership among her colleagues in the RCEA-Retired.
Hers was a life well-lived and a life of service to mankind for many productive years.
May she rest now from her labor on this earthly journey and recieve her well deserved crown of glory.
Thinking of each of you as family with loving care & prayers throughout this bereavement period.
Nothing I can say will take away the pain you’re experiencing. Just want you to know that I care about you, and I share in your sadness.
My sincere condolences to the Taylor family.
God’s blessings with much love,
Albertina Adams-Garvin, Northminster Presbyterian Church Secretary