Reverend Dr. Deborah Lynn Abney

(July 13, 1952 - September 11, 2023)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home 1831 Taylor Street Columbia, South Carolina
Viewing Date & Time: Friday, September 15, 2023 / 2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Funeral Location: Greenview First Baptist Church 101 Isaac Street Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Saturday, September 16, 2023 / 1:00 P.M.
Interment Location: Crescent Hill Memorial Gardens 2603 Two Notch Road Columbia, South Carolina
My deepest condolences to the Abney family. I also grew up in the Greenview community and at Green First Baptist church. The Abney family wS one of the Anchor families well loved and respected. Deborah was a beautiful young lady, one to be respected and shining example for other young ladies.
Rest in sweet peace.
We are so very sorry in hearing of the passing of our friend and neighbor Deborah Abney. May GOD comfort the family during these trying times.
I am deeply sorry for the loss of such a a wonderful person of God! I certainly wish I could have seen here once again. It appears she had great roots with the Lord! I often wondered of her whereabouts! I once knocked on her family homestead where she grew up and where I visited as a childhood friend. Greenview Baptist truly developed some wonderful people who continue to serve God in the world! What a firm foundation our church provided! I didn’t see her as we all went our various ways! Yet she was never forgotten! It’s so awesome that we will all see each other when we get to our heavenly home! My heart will miss her yet my soul rejoices. To the family thanks so much for the memories! If possible leave an address with Greenview and I’ll try to retrieve it! Blessings galore to the family!
My sincere condolences to the Abney family. Deborah was a great friend and classmate. We will miss her dearly.
Our sincere condolences to the Abney family during this time. Deborah was our classmate at Fairwold Junior High and CA Johnson . Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers during this time.
This was such a shock. She was such a great person and woman of God. You will truly be missed.
To my family, my heart is hurt over the loss of Debra! I’m also hurt to be unable to attend the services on this day!! I’m sending my love and prayers to you and in the days and months to come if you need me for anything please do not hesitate to call upon me.
Love “Sat” Kasatra Cue-Evans
Our sincere condolences and prayers are extended to Mother Abney and family in the loss of your dear loved one, the Rev. Dr. Deborah Abney. We share in your loss as we all grew up together in Greenview. May you be blessed with wonderful memories! May the peace and comfort of our loving Heavenly Father surround and cover you during this difficult time. Supporting you in our prayers,
The Officers & Members of Greenview Reunion Foundation
On behalf of Canaan Memorial Baptist Church of Shelby, North Carolina, please know we are keeping the Abney Family in our prayers. We lift up a special prayer for our very own DeVoe family who has loss a cousin. Praying God’s comfort abounds as you celebrate the life of one of God’s servants, Dr. Deborah Abney.
Praying strength and comfort for your family.
Terrika,Davita and Family our
thoughts and prayers are with
To the Abney family,my sympathy and prayers are with you may God bless you sam baxter.
To Mother Abney, Terrika’, Davita, Donette, David and rest of family. We was in deep sorrow to hear of Deborah’s passing.
Our heartfelt sympathy to you all.
Thank God for the time that he let her have with us. She will not be forgotten–because she lives in our hearts.
Love to you all!!
To the Family of Deborah Abney
Our prayers and heart goes out to you and your family as you grieve the loss of your/our beloved Deborah (daughter, mom, sister, grandma).
Remember, Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still miss and very dear.
We at Peaceful thank her for the time shared with us–and will truly miss her.
Truly a woman after God’s heart. She will be missed 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Extending Prayers and Condolences to the family of Soror Rev. Dr. Deborah Abney. We thank God for her having shared a portion of this life with US.
Rest in Him who has truly freed “Your Body and Soul”. AMEN🙏🏼
Soror Cheryl Pressey Powell💓💚
Diann Phillips.
Sending My Deepest sympathy and prayers to the Abney Family. She was a beautiful person.
I will definitely be praying for the family.
What a wonderful woman of God she was.
To the family of the late Dr. Abney you all have my deepest sympathy, my prayers is that God grant each of you peace, you all are in my 🙏🙏😇
Simlpy one of the BEST! We will miss her.
Mary O. Stover
My Sincere Condolences to the family of Reverend Dr. Deborah L. Abney!!! Deborah and I became friends when I moved here to Columbia permanently ( as my parents previously worked out of town) and I enrolled at Fairwold Jr High with the help of Ronald Gibson in the ninth grade . Some people would call Deborah and I TWINS even though we had the same first name and different last names and parents !😊 as a school bus driver, she’d pick me up and drop me off afterwards! We were on the band together as well and lived on the same street !!!! Wonderful Person!! And as a “Facebook Friend”! will definitely be missed sharing life’s experiences!!
Debra and I were friends in Middle and High School. I extend heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the entire Abney Family. May God give you strength during this difficult time.
Your CSO family offer our deepest condolences to you and your family. We will keep you all uplifted in prayer.
Your CSO family,
J.B Bankruptcy and M.J Perry Courthouses
Great person, great friend and a lady of God! Rest in peace 🙏
It is with heartfelt sympathy that I extend condolences to the Abney-Gripper family in the loss of your mother, sister, daughter and friend. The Seward -Abney families have been joined together since our fathers met and became friends during their military service in WW2. They moved their young families into the Greenview community in the early 50’s, and became neighbors and brothers for life.
Our fathers started Greenview First Baptist and Reid Chapel AME churches, respectively. Rev. David F. Abney and Rev. Lee M. Seward, as young pastors with their young families and with the help of their neighbors, made these two institutions staples of the community until this day.
I will surely miss my friend and sister for life. Praying for Mrs. Abney, David, Donette, Terrika, Davita and family.
Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
I extend my prayers and condolences to this Woman of God family. Such an awesome gift to the Body of Christ!
Our sincere condolences to the Abney Family in the transitioning of Dr. Deborah L. Abney. A beloved, committed, faithful, caring friend, and servant of GOD.
Psalm 147:3 declares, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
May GOD comfort you and saturate you with His peace and presence in the days, weeks, and months ahead.
Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to all of you as you try to navigate through this difficult time , God bless you.
Deacon Archie and Deaconess Barbara Suber.
My heart felt condolences to the Abney Family.
We offer our Condolences to The Abney and DeVoe Family. Praying as you’re going through your grief, our Prayers are with you. We honor Dr. Abney for your service to mankind, your service will not go unnoticed. To God be the Glory!!!
My deepest condolences to the Abney family.
My deepest heartfelt sympathy to the family. Deborah was such a sweet and caring person and she will always be remembered as such. There will be another bright star in the Heavens as Deborah takes her place in Paradise.
Prayers and condolences to you all, Davita during this difficult time!! I pray that God comforts you all and provide you with the understanding and strength you need at this time. We are here for you and the boys!! Love you!
Kiba, Nasir and Zyon ♥️
My deepest sympathy to the Abney family.
Toney Loynes
Heartfelt condolences on the loss of Deborah. May she rest in peace and rise in glory!
Fayette Wood Belton
To the family of Deborah,you haven’t deepest and sincere sympathy.My heart is just as broken as yours. Every one that knew her knows what a beautiful person she was, inside and out. We were friends from middle school through college and beyond. God has gotten another beautiful flower for His garden. Rest well my friend 💞
My Prayers and Condolences to Deborah’s Family Friends🙏🏾❤️
With heartfelt prayers and condolences to the Abney family. Rev. Abney had a beautiful Spirit with a sweet personality. She will be missed.
Sharon ❤️🩹
To Devita and Terrika, this one really caught me off guard. Deb, and I go way back from her keeping my baby girl in her home, weekend after weekend. She was always a great mother and great friend. My heart is broken, but remember all the great times you had with your mom. I will truly keep you both in my prayers, May God give you the strength you will need to get through this difficulty time. Love you all.
Our hearts go out to you and your family on your loss.
Our love and prayers are with you (Terrika, Devita and family) at this time of sorrow. We love you all.
My sincere prayers and condolences to the family.
This was so sad to hear of such a beautiful soul with a pure heart of gold gone so soon. To my bestie Vita, you know im here every step of the way anywhere i can be i love you, Ethan, Ean, Terrika and Kyra, and to the Abney family my prayers are definitely with you in this time of comfort
You were an awesome parrot. I really looked to hear more from you. You will be truly, wholeheartedly missed!
This one really caught me by surprise!! Deborah and I have been friends since 7th grade. She was so kind and loving.
We both were among the first female school bus drivers at C. A. Johnson High School.
To the Abney family, you have my deepest and sincere condolences. Sleep well, my friend…you fought the good fight, you finished your course, you kept the faith. Heavenly Father, please keep this family wrapped in Your loving arms.
I love you Deborah.
Wow, Ms. Deb. I don’t even have the words. You will be missed. My deepest condolences to the Abney family.
Dr. Abney, you will truly be missed!! You will forever have a special place in my heart!! I will cherish our long talks (laughs and cries) and especially our relationship!! You set the tone of what a woman of GOD should be made of!! You displayed wisdom, love, and honesty!! I thank God for allowing you to be a part of my life!! I love you!