Ms. Janie Mae Gilmore Patten

Ms. Janie Mae Gilmore Patten
(19470619 - 20210530)
Viewing Date & Time: SATURDAY, 06/05/2021, 2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Funeral Date & Time: SUNDAY, 06/06/2021, 12:00 P.M.
Interment Location:
Janie Mae Gilmore Patten, daughter of the late Janie and Bishop Jeff Gilmore was born on June 19, 1947 in Eastover, South Carolina. Sister Janie departed this life on Sunday, May 30, 2021. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day…” (II Timothy 4:6-8). Janie attended school in Richland County, graduating from C. A. Johnson High School in 1965. After graduation, she became a licensed cosmetologist from the Waverley Beauty School. Several years later, she furthered her education at Broward Community College in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. During her life span, Janie held several positions and jobs to include Eastern Airlines, where she worked as clerk; customer service manager at Media One; paraprofessional at Lauderhill Paul Turner Elementary School; Instructional Assistant at Bradley Elementary in Richland County School District One; and an administrative assistant at Goodwill. Janie accepted Christ as her Savior at a young age. She was baptized and received the Holy Ghost in Progressive Church of Our Lord and Savior Jesus and years later became a member of Emmanuel Church in Columbia, SC. After marriage to John Richard Patten, she relocated to Philadelphia where she became a member of Highway Christian Church. She later joined Mount Zion Holiness Church where she traveled and sang for several years on the group called Mount Zion Gospel Singers. Upon returning to reside in Columbia in 2009, she became a faithful member of True Believers Church of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Janie served on the True Believers Ladies’ Auxiliary and served as a church announcer. Those who knew her will miss her sweet melodious voice as she sang sweet hymns, her laughter and her sense of humor while serving as the Mistress of Ceremony at church events and programs. Janie was predeceased in death by her daughter, Deidra Janise “Buster” Patten and her parents, the late Bishop Jeff and Janie Gilmore. Janie leaves to cherish her fond memory, her daughters, Rachel Patten of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Kimberly (James) Harris of Ocala, Florida, a sister, Willie Mae (George) Patten of Columbia, SC; six grandchildren: Dontavious (Kimberly) Patten-Thomas, Bianca Jones, Elexus, Jamese, and Jakeya Harris; Zaria Clarke, and James Harris, IV; one great-grandson, Jaden Thomas, and an extended son, Demetrius Kejan McLaughlin; Her aunt and uncle, Rosa Lee and William Moore; brother and sister-in-laws, nieces, nephews, cousins, relatives, friends, and her special friend, Mother Ruth Chisholm.

Guestbook For:

Ms. Janie Mae Gilmore Patten

1 Comment

  1. Roofing Insights
    7600 Boone Ave N Suite 65, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
    (612) 380-5285

    2g1c, 2, girls, 1, cup, acrotomophilia, alabama, hot,
    pocket, alaskan, pipeline, anal, anilingus, anus, apeshit, arsehole, ass, asshole, assmunch, auto,
    erotic, autoerotic, babeland, baby, batter, baby,
    juice, ball, gag, ball, gravy, ball, kicking,
    ball, licking, ball, sack, ball, sucking, bangbros, bangbus,
    bareback, barely, legal, barenaked, bastard, bastardo, bastinado, bbw, bdsm,
    beaner, beaners, beaver, cleaver, beaver, lips, beastiality,
    bestiality, big, black, big, breasts, big, knockers, big, tits, bimbos, birdlock, bitch, bitches, black,
    cock, blonde, action, blonde, on, blonde, action, blowjob, blow, job, blow,
    your, load, blue, waffle, blumpkin, bollocks, bondage, boner, boob, boobs, booty, call, brown, showers,
    brunette, action, bukkake, bulldyke, bullet, vibe, bullshit, bung, hole,
    bunghole, busty, butt, buttcheeks, butthole, camel, toe,
    camgirl, camslut, camwhore, carpet, muncher, carpetmuncher, chocolate, rosebuds, cialis, circlejerk, cleveland, steamer, clit,
    clitoris, clover, clamps, clusterfuck, cock, cocks, coprolagnia, coprophilia,
    cornhole, coon, coons, creampie, cum, cumming, cumshot,
    cumshots, cunnilingus, cunt, darkie, date, rape,
    daterape, deep, throat, deepthroat, dendrophilia, dick, dildo, dingleberry, dingleberries, dirty, pillows, dirty,
    sanchez, doggie, style, doggiestyle, doggy, style, doggystyle, dog,
    style, dolcett, domination, dominatrix, dommes, donkey, punch, double, dong, double, penetration, dp, action, dry, hump, dvda, eat,
    my, ass, ecchi, ejaculation, erotic, erotism, escort, eunuch,
    fag, faggot, fecal, felch, fellatio, feltch, female, squirting,
    femdom, figging, fingerbang, fingering, fisting, foot, fetish,
    footjob, frotting, fuck, fuck, buttons, fuckin, fucking, fucktards,
    fudge, packer, fudgepacker, futanari, gangbang, gang, bang, gay, sex, genitals, giant, cock, girl,
    on, girl, on, top, girls, gone, wild, goatcx, goatse,
    god, damn, gokkun, golden, shower, goodpoop, goo, girl, goregasm, grope, group, sex, g-spot,
    guro, hand, job, handjob, hard, core, hardcore, hentai,
    homoerotic, honkey, hooker, horny, hot, carl,
    hot, chick, how, to, kill, how, to, murder, huge, fat,
    humping, incest, intercourse, jack, off, jail, bait, jailbait, jelly, donut, jerk,
    off, jigaboo, jiggaboo, jiggerboo, jizz, juggs, kike,
    kinbaku, kinkster, kinky, knobbing, leather, restraint, leather,
    straight, jacket, lemon, party, livesex, lolita, lovemaking, make, me, come, male, squirting, masturbate, masturbating, masturbation,
    menage, a, trois, milf, missionary, position, mong, motherfucker, mound, of, venus,
    mr, hands, muff, diver, muffdiving, nambla, nawashi,
    negro, neonazi, nigga, nigger, nig, nog, nimphomania, nipple,
    nipples, nsfw, nsfw, images, nude, nudity, nutten, nympho, nymphomania, octopussy, omorashi,
    one, cup, two, girls, one, guy, one, jar, orgasm,
    orgy, paedophile, paki, panties, panty, pedobear, pedophile,
    pegging, penis, phone, sex, piece, of, shit, pikey, pissing, piss, pig, pisspig, playboy, pleasure,
    chest, pole, smoker, ponyplay, poof, poon, poontang, punany, poop, chute, poopchute, porn, porno, pornography, prince, albert, piercing, pthc, pubes, pussy, queaf, queef, quim, raghead,
    raging, boner, rape, raping, rapist, rectum, reverse, cowgirl, rimjob, rimming, rosy, palm, rosy, palm, and, her,
    5, sisters, rusty, trombone, sadism, santorum, scat, schlong, scissoring, semen,
    sex, sexcam, sexo, sexy, sexual, sexually, sexuality, shaved, beaver, shaved, pussy, shemale, shibari, shit, shitblimp, shitty, shota, shrimping, skeet, slanteye, slut,
    s&m, smut, snatch, snowballing, sodomize, sodomy, spastic,
    spic, splooge, splooge, moose, spooge, spread, legs, spunk, strap, on, strapon, strappado, strip,
    club, style, doggy, suck, sucks, suicide, girls, sultry, women, swastika, swinger, tainted, love, taste, my, tea, bagging, threesome, throating, thumbzilla,
    tied, up, tight, white, tit, tits, titties, titty, tongue, in, a, topless, tosser, towelhead, tranny, tribadism, tub, girl,
    tubgirl, tushy, twat, twink, twinkie, two,
    girls, one, cup, undressing, upskirt, urethra, play, urophilia, vagina, venus, mound, viagra, vibrator, violet, wand,
    vorarephilia, voyeur, voyeurweb, voyuer, vulva, wank, wetback, wet, dream, white,
    power, whore, worldsex, wrapping, men, wrinkled, starfish, xx,
    xxx, yaoi, yellow, showers, yiffy, zoophilia, 2g1c,
    2, girls, 1, cup, acrotomophilia, alabama, hot, pocket, alaskan, pipeline, anal, anilingus, anus, apeshit, arsehole,
    ass, asshole, assmunch, auto, erotic, autoerotic, babeland, baby, batter, baby, juice, ball,
    gag, ball, gravy, ball, kicking, ball, licking, ball, sack,
    ball, sucking, bangbros, bangbus, bareback, barely, legal, barenaked, bastard, bastardo, bastinado, bbw,
    bdsm, beaner, beaners, beaver, cleaver, beaver,
    lips, beastiality, bestiality, big, black, big,
    breasts, big, knockers, big, tits, bimbos, birdlock,
    bitch, bitches, black, cock, blonde, action, blonde, on, blonde, action, blowjob,
    blow, job, blow, your, load, blue, waffle, blumpkin, bollocks, bondage, boner, boob, boobs, booty, call,
    brown, showers, brunette, action, bukkake, bulldyke, bullet, vibe, bullshit, bung, hole, bunghole, busty, butt, buttcheeks, butthole,
    camel, toe, camgirl, camslut, camwhore, carpet,
    muncher, carpetmuncher, chocolate, rosebuds, cialis, circlejerk,
    cleveland, steamer, clit, clitoris, clover, clamps, clusterfuck, cock, cocks, coprolagnia,
    coprophilia, cornhole, coon, coons, creampie, cum, cumming, cumshot, cumshots,
    cunnilingus, cunt, darkie, date, rape, daterape, deep, throat, deepthroat, dendrophilia, dick, dildo, dingleberry,
    dingleberries, dirty, pillows, dirty, sanchez, doggie,
    style, doggiestyle, doggy, style, doggystyle, dog, style,
    dolcett, domination, dominatrix, dommes, donkey, punch, double, dong, double,
    penetration, dp, action, dry, hump, dvda, eat, my, ass, ecchi, ejaculation, erotic,
    erotism, escort, eunuch, fag, faggot, fecal, felch, fellatio, feltch, female, squirting, femdom, figging, fingerbang, fingering, fisting, foot, fetish, footjob,
    frotting, fuck, fuck, buttons, fuckin, fucking, fucktards,
    fudge, packer, fudgepacker, futanari, gangbang, gang, bang,
    gay, sex, genitals, giant, cock, girl, on, girl, on, top,
    girls, gone, wild, goatcx, goatse, god, damn, gokkun, golden, shower,
    goodpoop, goo, girl, goregasm, grope, group, sex, g-spot,
    guro, hand, job, handjob, hard, core, hardcore, hentai, homoerotic, honkey, hooker, horny, hot, carl, hot, chick, how, to, kill,
    how, to, murder, huge, fat, humping, incest, intercourse, jack, off, jail, bait, jailbait, jelly,
    donut, jerk, off, jigaboo, jiggaboo, jiggerboo, jizz, juggs, kike,
    kinbaku, kinkster, kinky, knobbing, leather, restraint, leather, straight, jacket, lemon, party, livesex, lolita, lovemaking,
    make, me, come, male, squirting, masturbate, masturbating,
    masturbation, menage, a, trois, milf, missionary, position, mong,
    motherfucker, mound, of, venus, mr, hands, muff, diver, muffdiving, nambla, nawashi, negro, neonazi, nigga,
    nigger, nig, nog, nimphomania, nipple, nipples, nsfw,
    nsfw, images, nude, nudity, nutten, nympho, nymphomania, octopussy, omorashi, one,
    cup, two, girls, one, guy, one, jar, orgasm, orgy,
    paedophile, paki, panties, panty, pedobear, pedophile, pegging,
    penis, phone, sex, piece, of, shit, pikey, pissing, piss, pig, pisspig, playboy,
    pleasure, chest, pole, smoker, ponyplay, poof, poon, poontang,
    punany, poop, chute, poopchute, porn, porno, pornography, prince, albert, piercing, pthc, pubes, pussy, queaf,
    queef, quim, raghead, raging, boner, rape, raping, rapist, rectum, reverse,
    cowgirl, rimjob, rimming, rosy, palm, rosy, palm, and, her, 5, sisters, rusty,
    trombone, sadism, santorum, scat, schlong, scissoring, semen, sex,
    sexcam, sexo, sexy, sexual, sexually, sexuality, shaved,
    beaver, shaved, pussy, shemale, shibari, shit, shitblimp, shitty,
    shota, shrimping, skeet, slanteye, slut, s&m, smut, snatch, snowballing, sodomize, sodomy, spastic, spic, splooge, splooge, moose, spooge,
    spread, legs, spunk, strap, on, strapon, strappado,
    strip, club, style, doggy, suck, sucks, suicide, girls, sultry, women, swastika, swinger, tainted, love, taste, my,
    tea, bagging, threesome, throating, thumbzilla,
    tied, up, tight, white, tit, tits, titties, titty, tongue, in, a, topless, tosser, towelhead, tranny,
    tribadism, tub, girl, tubgirl, tushy, twat,
    twink, twinkie, two, girls, one, cup, undressing, upskirt, urethra, play,
    urophilia, vagina, venus, mound, viagra, vibrator, violet, wand, vorarephilia, voyeur, voyeurweb,
    voyuer, vulva, wank, wetback, wet, dream, white, power, whore, worldsex, wrapping, men, wrinkled, starfish, xx, xxx, yaoi, yellow, showers, yiffy, zoophilia,



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