Ms. Linda Marie Perry

(September 16, 1961 - July 7, 2024)
Viewing Location:
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Progressive Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 2222 Barhamville Road, Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Sunday, July 28, 2024 / 3:00 p.m.
Interment Location:
Prayers and condolences are extended to the Perry family. I have so many wonderful memories of time spent with Linda. The laughter and joy she had, through it all, was an inspiration! May she rest from her labor. May we all find comfort in the hope she was in Christ.
Prayers and condolences are extended to the Perry family. I have so many wonderful memories of time spent with Linda. The laughter and joy she had through it all was an inspiration! May she rest from her labor. May we all find comfort in the hope she was in Christ.
Mycondolences to the family God bless and love you all I will miss you and rest my sister linda
“Lyn Lyn”, as our family called Linda, was a wonderful Nanny for our son. She has been a special part of our family. Our son, now 40, and our family have many fond memories of Lyn Lyn. Our condolences to her family.
My deepest condolences goes to the family a sweet soul I know the “Angeles are rejoicing that’s Bible”, We’ve Been knowing each other since high school 40 years and in church together over the years until we went our separate ways in life she has been the same ever since with that beautiful smile. Heaven is rejoicing sleep on my friend until God raise you up.
Love always Elaine
Our 🙏🏾🙏🏾 & condolences to the family of Sis Linda Marie Perry in the loss of your love one. May the peace & strength of Jesus be with you all in the days ahead.
I’ll never forget the time we sat on the front row of the Columbia senior choir for years, the time she lived with me when my mother passed away, the time we walked from the headquarters church to Columbia Mall, those were the good ole times I had with my dear friend and sister Linda. My prayers and sincere condolences goes out to her family and church family as well.
Dedra Hayes Keitt
I will always remember our special talks about her condition and her faith in God. She was a special daughter to me, I love her so much and her transition leaves a void in my life. She was special to my daughter Cheryl and now she is another angel for me. Praying for comfort for the entire family. I will miss her immensely. Frances Ashe-Goins
Sending our deepest sympathy and condolences and prayers to the family and relatives.
Our Prayers And Condolences Are With The Family. Linda Was Such A Kindhearted Person, I Would Call To Check Up On Her And To Keep Her Encourage And She Always Had A Positive Attitude About Life In General. She Will Truly Be Miss.
Love, Condolences & prayers to the Perry & Priester and other families and PC Churches in the loss of our sweet, loving and kind, Sister Linda Perry. She will be sorely missed.
I’m saddened to hear of the passing of Sister Perry. My deepest condolences,& prayers go out to the family. Take comfort in knowing to be absent from the body is to present with the lord.
From the: Davis Family.
My condolences to the Perry family God love you best praying for the family.