Ms. Lowethel Bloome

(January 10, 1944 - July 10, 2023)
Viewing Location:
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Church of The Harvest 508 Evelyn Drive Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Sunday, July 23, 2023 / 1:00 P.M.
Interment Location:
I’m sorry to hear of this loss. Praying for you and your family.
Going to miss you dearly cuz. Love ya!! Trae
Sorry Minister Dorand for your loss again. Prayer for you and yours in active. Peace
To Ms Lo family she had the brightest smile I know she will be missed I work at Baptist to and love talking with her RIP in Peace my friend My condolences to the family
Ms Bloom was a very
sweet neighbor, always out in the yard, keeping it to the tee cutting grass and planting flowers
Her and my mother loved to go on walks through the neighborhood Her presence will be missed.
I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to all of Ms. Lo’s family, friends and the family that she had at Baptist Hospital. We worked together in Respiratory Care for many years. At that time, the entire hospital was really a big family with one objective, helping and taking care of others. She was true to that. She was such a helping, caring and sweet person. When she laughed, which was often, her whole body laughed! I thought the world of her as I know that the entire RT staff, nurses and all of the staff of Baptist Hospital did. I am a better person having known Ms. Lo! Thank you Ms. Lo! Much love, Ruthie
To Ms. Lowethel, may you rest in peace, and know you will always be missed. To the family, I am sending my deepest prayers and condolences. Ms. Lowethel was a very great friend of our family.