Ms. Margaret Blakeley

(June 12, 1917 - July 29, 2024)
Viewing Location:
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Crescent Hill Memorial Gardens, 2603 Two Notch Road, Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Graveside, Tuesday, August 6, 2024/ 11:00 a.m.
Interment Location:
I was blessed to work with Mrs. Blakeley at Victory Savings Bank in the early 1970s. One of my fondest memories was when she would share her favorite recipes.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Blakeley family.
Industry Brunson
Our deepest sympathy and heartfelt thoughts are with the family and friends our our aunt, Margaret Blakeley.
Sending our deepest sympathy and condolences and prayers to the family and relatives and friends.