Ms. Tuiganda Jovon Waymyers

(January 20, 1978 - January 25, 2022)
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I still don’t believe it.My best friend.We were like sister.Mrs.Bell she gone too.My heart is hurting still.To the the whole I love y’all and my condolences.
I Don’t know how to start because she was friend first and second sister my condolences goes out to momma first and her sisters and brothers and family Lord how I miss her so much she has a hard of gold and I love her so much who I’m talk to now you was my support team you told me you was not going to give up and leave me but it’s ok God needed you keep resting and looking over me my angel I miss and love you
My condolences and heart goes out to Von’s Family. VON will truly be missed! You were a great & special friend with a beautiful heart and soul. I am going to miss you my friend. I thank GOD for the times we’ve shared also to have known you was a blessing.🙌 🙏 ❤
Sending my condolences to the family of Tuiganda aslo known as Von. During my time in Columbia she was there for me, with the best advice as a childhood friend. Although it was long ago during our childhood I’ll never forget her energy, there to put a smile on my face, and willing to let me confide in her. Von is also the auntie of my twin daughters Princess and Princetta. With us having some distance between us they were only able to visit so often. I wish they were able to know the Von that we all know and love. This is a death that truly saddens me and I am very grateful to have known her.