Elder Oliver Leroy Holmes

Elder Oliver Leroy Holmes
(August 21, 1937 - March 27, 2022)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home, 1831 Taylor Street, Columbia, SC
Viewing Date & Time: Friday, April 1, 2022 from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Funeral Location: Ecclesia COGIC, 533 Sharpe Road, Columbia, SC
Funeral Date & Time: Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.
Interment Location: Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 12:00 noon/ Fort Jackson National Cemetery

Guestbook For:

Elder Oliver Leroy Holmes


  1. To the Holmes family you have my Deepest Sympathy and Condolences. So very sorry for your loss.

    Jim Burgess

  2. To Mother Cordeila Holmes and the entire Holmes Family. I am sincerely praying for you and your family during this time of separation.

  3. Our sincerest condolences to the Holmes family. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you 🙏🏾❤️

  4. With deepest sympathy, I pray the family will find comfort during this time.

    Ike Gray

  5. To my loving Uncle, you will be well missed ❤ God has blessed you and received you in to his Great Kingdom full of Heavenly lights…Heaven is Rejoicing your soul is with the Lord..Love always Shannon

  6. 🕊I Love you Uncle Oli, who I called my Uncle Nose. A Sharp Dresser! A Lover of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Who Preached, Teach & Lived The Gospel of The Lord God Jesus. You are Missed & Loved here on earth but Heaven has Welcomed an Angel who has received his crown 👑. Well done thy good & faithful servant. Your in Peace, Joy & Rejoicing with God, Jesus Lord our Savior walking the streets of Gold! Our Condolences & Prayers to Our Family. May the Lord Strengthen & Comfort your hearts.🙏🏾

  7. Oliver our only Big Brother who Mother and Daddy raised to be a pure Gentleman and taught all of us how to Love the Lord and the values on responsibility and respect for our elders. You was the oldest and was truly the best big brother any one could ever want to have.. You looked over we your 2 Sisters and 6 Brothers. There was never 1 time you wasn’t there when we needed your help.Our life story together was full of Godly Love, and our parents knew how to get a prayer throught to God in every situations, times were not always peaches and cream ,but God was always an on time God.
    Oliver you are the GENERAL
    for all of us. Oliver I know when you got the Holy Gohst you became a great seed Sower For the Kingdom of God this I truly admire. For God Word is the seed and you never fail to be God witness and you loved to pray.your wife would tell me when I call and ask how or what you are doing she would say he’s
    Praying, he’s always praying I would say the word of God say man out to pray lease he faint. Oliver my last words with you on Sunday we did what you loved to do and we prayed the prayer of forgiveness to make sure you went directly through those pearly Gates and in to the presences of the Lord. This is what matters most you are with God our Father and Jesus Christ. Enjoy eternal life
    I Love you so much,but will see you in Heaven.

  8. The Townsends submit their Condolences to Mother Holmes and family also the Ecclesia COGIC. Our fond memories of Elder Holmes will always be embedded in our memories, the way he taught and trained me as a young Minster then under the Pastrage of Pastor Ernest Smith. We the family will never forget our dear Mentor in the Lord Elder Oliver Holmes, sleep well my Brother and see you on that “Great Getting Up Day”.

  9. Family,
    I speak Peace and continued Blessings to you all from Our Father.You will never know the depth of Love our family has for Mr. Holmes. (Mr. O) I grew to find out through my son how Mr.Holmes came here through God’s divine plan and did his assignment with a humbling sport of Love. I am a witness that God did that. I prayed to God if my child was where I couldn’t be at a certain time that God would place someone there in my place. God Did That to the highest. I will be eternally grateful to God , Mr Holmes and his family for the real Love that they gave unconditionally to my child. Please cry when you need to but celebrate Mr. O.! A genuine child of God! We need more Mr.O’s. Rest In Peace until that trumpet sound. Family hold on to those memories. He will hear “ Well done My Good and Faithful Servant”🙏🏾❤️.

  10. My Heartfelt Prayers and Love to the Holmes Family during this Great Loss. Sharmaine (Joe) Mr. Holmes was a great man that kept me and my family laughing all the times we came to the house. He will truly be Missed. Rest on Mr. Oliver Holmes We Love You but God Loves You Best!!!!!! Sleep in Paradise
    Ms. Terrial White Alston and The Alston Family

  11. Condolences , Prayers & Love to the Holmes family ; you Terry ! RIP Elder Holmes . 🌹🌹🌹

  12. My Prayers and Condolences to the Holmes Family. I was so sorry to hear about your sons and Mr. Holmes passing. Your neighbor and Wade Holmes co-worker.

  13. My condolences, Elder Oliver Holmes what is a gentle giant. He definitely would stop what he was doing to help anybody.
    A true man of God. Praying for you and your family at a time as this. Dea. Dan Kenny &Family

  14. My heart felt condolences to the family of Elder Oliver L. Holmes. He was a true man of God who not only loved people, but one who people loved. He was an individual who always wanted to know what could he do to help, even when the task he was volunteering to do was not his responsibilities.

    For the many years, more than 36, that I had known him, I have never seen a more humble individual and he always had a positive word to say and he will be greatly missed. As the days / months ahead go by, I am praying that God provides his tender console as only He can give.

    Dea. Victor Smalls


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