Ms. Clementine “Tina” Harris

Ms. Clementine “Tina” Harris
(March 2, 1957 - January 31, 2022)
Viewing Location:
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Chapel
Funeral Date & Time: Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
Interment Location:

Guestbook For:

Ms. Clementine “Tina” Harris


  1. I miss this crazy woman so much. It’s encouraging to see how she lives on in me, my children, even the baby who was just 4 months old when she left us. I do weird stuff like talk to pictures…and google my mom, lol. I constantly talk about her unique nature (the good and the crazy) and it’s a constant reminder of God’s grace and love for me. The hugs I get in the dreams now are welcome and happy, no longer causing me to wake in tears, as I get to hold you again. I’m so glad that the Lord gave me the wisdom early on to always hug you as if it were the last time. I’m sad that I didn’t get to cruise with you, that we never saw the world together. But as I live, I promise to take a bit of you with me.
    I promise to never accept a smaller portion at a restaurant (lol), to sing joyful songs, and to never show fear, even when it’s there.

    I pray that the worries of this world are gone, and have peace knowing where you are thanks to Christ’s atonement and your sharing in his death, burial, and resurrection through baptism.

    However, though peace is with me, I still feel the pain of the loss of your smile. I miss my other woman. I miss being your Star. From what I hear, that’ll never go away. So I’ll just continue finding ways to smile about the time that we did have together.

  2. I’m beside myself at this time an I’m a believer in God trusting in him to make a way for me to go on without you no more phone calls when we talk for hours,no more of you popping up here in Delaware to see me. I will miss you my friend of 40 year I will never forget you an may God comfort all your children an grandchildren at this time an all concerned your gone to soon for me may your soul RIP my beloved sister and long time friend

  3. Sincere Condolences to the family. May you all find solace in knowing that so many people were impacted by your love one, in many different ways. My thoughts and prayers are with you all as you navigate through this part of the journey. Peace and Blessings!

  4. Our God Is With You / Us Family.
    We will miss Our Mother Tina, our sister, our grandmother, our aunt, our friends. Just remember all the joy she brought our family.
    She was little BUT, a little BIG Giant. With a BiG Smile Larger That Life. I can see her now in Heaven in her Big rig going down Heavens Highway.

    “Fear not, for I am with you…I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My right hand…”
    Isaiah 41:10

    We all face situations in life that feel out of control. During times like these, it’s easy to get discouraged. Instead, know that God is holding you in the palms of His hands. There is nothing too difficult or impossible for God. When God holds you in His hands, He is everything you need.

    No matter what you may be going through today, you can trust that God is for you. Instead of getting down and depressed over your circumstances, look up and get a vision of God turning that situation around. Let faith rise in your heart and focus on His favor and blessing. He holds you with His victorious right hand!

    Father God, thank You for helping me and holding me in Your victorious right hand. I will trust You even when things don’t make sense, even when things seem beyond my control. I release my cares to You knowing that You work all things together for my good in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  5. Heavenly Merciful Father, My Friend and Sister in Christ Tina is with you now. We serve a God who is always working behind the scenes. We have to walk by faith, trusting that the same Father who made the heavens and earth is working all things together for our good. Tina you were so passionate about the needy and the underdog. Now you are with God and I know you will be their Advocate from Fathers Place. RIP my Buddy Ms. Clementine. This I am sure is not a goodbye but, see you again in the afterlife. Love You More Than Myself.

  6. It’s taken me some time to compose my thoughts and process my dear sister cousin’s crossing the great divide. The family bond that was formed, grounded in love for each other, those wonderful picnics Aunt Betty planned, chasing each other in the park, going to church 7 days a week, surviving the streets of Philly, and teaching Tina how to be a city country girl helped us to stay connected for life. We may have not spoken everyday but the bond was always strong and memories of my sister cousin are filled with that big smile and even bigger laugh. Rest easy my dear sister cousin until the next picnic on the other side of the great divide. We will always speak your name Tina.
    Kevin, Mark, Larahn, Junior, James, and Val please accept our deepest condolences.
    Anthony Jones and Family

  7. “In the name of God, the Most
    Gracious, the Most Merciful.”

    Sister Cuzn, as we were so affectionately, lovingly known. You began our life’s journey in March 1957, I came only a few months later as well as other relatives & family friends also born in 1957. We have a strong rooted love for God! As early as I can remember, giving thanks to our Grandmothers “The Lord Always Comes First”. As kids we played church and Sis could sing & dance. Even though she was the smallest she would let us know she was the Oldest and in charge. We were so blessed to be raised by a Village and went from North Philly to West Philly to the Eastern Shore of Maryland from Wetipquin to Nanticoke…She loved being the City Girl from the Country. These roots helped make SisCuz the Strong Powerful Woman she was known to be. She was always so pretty and smart…I loved letting her know how much I loved & appreciated her & how beautiful I thought she was…She was my closest Sister and Friend. We loved her and God loved her more..She’s Goin Up Yonder.God willing I’ll see you up there! Sis loved her family!
    Mark, Rue, Kevin, O…..she loved y’all….and was so proud to be your Mother! Thank you Son for sharing this song. We didn’t know at the time but by God’s leave Marvin Sapp wrote it just for Your Sweet Beautiful Mom
    “The Best in Me”
    Family… We just have to Trust in God & Take One Day at A Time!
    I love you All!

  8. My Prayers and comfort to all of the family. Ms Tina took me in and I greatly appreciated her love and kindness…

  9. My mom was everything that you could want in a person in a friend in a mother she gave me something I will never get again the real true unconditional love she loved everyone no matter what she showed us how to be us and not be ashamed of it and she had everyone’s back. I LOST MY BEST FRIEND AND NOTHING WILL EVER BE ABLE TO TO FIX THIS I LOVE YOU MY QUEEN MY LOVE MY EVERYTHING I AM YOU AND YOU WILL FOREVER LOVE ON.

  10. To the Fountain Family, My sincere
    condolences for your loss. May the Lord Almighty comfort you and your family during this time.

    Rest In Peace my Sister, My Friend. Until we meet again.

  11. Mark, LaRohn, Kevin,

    Thinking of you all as you celebrate your mother’s remarkable life. Praying that God comforts you during this time of bereavement. I share in your sadness and your joy as we reflect on the wonderful memories of her life.

    Tina’s smile would melt the hardest of hearts. She was a trailblazer and had an admirable zeal for God. I remember the times spent with her tuning our voices, singing together; preparing for the gold records we would one day have. I can see her now, singing in heaven with that perfect pitch.

    May all of you find comfort in this scripture: John 11:25 -Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life, he that believes in me, though he was dead, yet shall he live.

    Rest in His presence my Sister, for to absent from the body is to be present with God.

  12. Thank-you lord for loaning Tina to use I have so many great memories that we shared. Like Talent Show 🎤,Modeling her show name was EBONY and I was Ivory was mine lol 😂 it was beautiful 🤩 we shared happy moments as well sad Together joy out weigh the sad most of she knew the lord he was Frist in her life then her Children I’m praying for her family for strength Tina get your wings I’ll see you on the other side I love ❤️ you Nephews and Neices

  13. May our Lord provide comfort and ease for our beloved, aunt Tina. May He reward her for all the love & joy that she has given those fortunate enough to call her, mom, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend. There wasn’t a time that I didn’t feel the love that could only come from a mother whenever I was in her care. She nurtured me as if I was one of her own. And in her eyes, I was. You will live in my heart forever and your memory will be passed on to generations to come. I Love You. Rest Queen! 😘

  14. We all believe that there is a better place to Go…when we leave this Earth. Where there is no pain or suffering. There is only love joy and peace all the time.. This Earth is not our home’s just a place we visit for a short time. Our home is in heaven..
    I can see her now walking through heaven greeting everyone with that big ole pretty smile on her face. She was always so confident in whose she was. . I remember her singing in the choir” As soon as I get through working on the building I’m going up to heaven to get my reward” .. Heaven is her home.. and that’s where she was always headed.
    You see Tina walked by Faith and not by sight. Often when we would run into her somewhere we would ask Tina how did you get here girl ? she just said” I got here on faith and a prayer”. . Yes we have come this far by faith and faith will take us home.

    She came to us on loan from God and with grace and faith she walked this earth. Always dressed in finery and that hairdo done just so.!
    I’m confident that my sister knew exactly where she was headed..God decided it was time for her to come back home.
    For it is from God we come and it is to God that we return.
    Life is funny when we come into this world we cry aloud and the people rejoice. And when we leave .We rejoice at going home . and the people are left to cry .
    Well my sister you going to look and feel really good in that beautiful White Robe and them pretty Golden Slippers. Strolling in the paradise wearing that awesome radiant Smile. You will be missed on earth but welcomed into your eternal home.
    Our Condolences to the immediate and extended family.
    Bro Jibri Rahman and Family.

  15. Harris Family; On behave of Pastors John and Aventer Gray, we would like to express our deepest condolence to your family. may God Bless you, keep you all and bring you His peace.

  16. I don’t know where to begin.From the very first day we met I was shown so much understanding,& love.I would get the kids and go up to visit all weekend talk and laugh and sometimes cry..You never let me leave without making me feel so much better than when I came.You Will be missed & loved .I thank God I have great memories of a wonderful friendship that started so long ago. I pray God wraps his arms of comfort and protection around all of you.Hold on and know that God truly will take care of you…I thank God for the years.I love you all As I always have…

  17. Love is the truest form of strength and understanding , you ARE the definition of love , unconditionally I love you? You always made us feel special and loved especially , forever you will be missed, your nephew, Eli

  18. The last time I saw you your words too me was I will always be family no matter what, that made me feel so good during a sad time in my life, and I never forgot those words or your actions that you displayed by coming to GA. during my daughter’s home going, your labor of love your words of kindness will always be in my heart ❤
    Anthony introduced you to me through a song you and him would sing walking down the street of north Philadelphia, he was telling me who you really was in that song. All your love is all you have, and your dreams are very special, and that is what you gave love. Now you stand in the face of all mighty Love R.I.HAVEN my sister in Christ.

  19. My sincere condolences and prayers to the family of Tina. I look at Tina as being in the present and just not here on this earth with us. Remember John 3:16 we will see our love ones again who have been Promoted to Glory in that great getting up morning.

  20. To my great cousin Tina. Your smile was contagious and provided warmth and comfort as I grew. You didnt know how you were a bridge and strong foundation to family in a way that let me know I was loved by everyone. Seeing your abundant energy and unconditional love was infectious and I pray that us who are left behind carry your joy, drive and hope to your family and the world.

  21. Tahirah Brown

    To my auntie,
    My auntie is the definition of praise God anyhow. I have so much to say but it all goes back to The Master. We are sad but she didn’t live her life sadly so we gotta rejoice and be glad that this woman is as powerful and her legacy is powerful. I am thankful for the time that I got to spend with her during uncle Chings celebration she made it do what it do all my family did let’s be happy and if I don’t say it enough I Love Y’all All

  22. Sister in law 2,02,2022 the first time I heard you laugh, it was so loud, so proud, it echo the joy in your soul, your eyes would get bigger and brighter so much that it would blind the saddest thing around and you had to laugh and smile to. I appreciate the love and joy the lord put in you that you shared with us all. Rest well my sister well done god faithful servant… forever love you

  23. Words from your favorite nephew😊
    You will be truly missed.. back in our younger days, you was always the aunt full of energy.. a quick thinker under difficult moments.. you always came up with a solution.. a lil lady with a loud voice😄.. REST IN PEACE AUNTY..
    Love always, Headz❤️

  24. To Tina the Little woman with the strength of a Gaint you have Truly been a Good friend to me my confidant my guide you’ve given me a love ,understand and trust that will forever puzzle ppl. My story can’t be told without LIL TINA in it.I am so Thankful for You and our Fabulous Three…W.I.L. Rest In Power Queen til we meet again.

  25. To my Auntie
    T I’m truly going to miss you. I don’t know sometimes we live our lives as though we’re going to live forever but there is an appointed time for everyone, and I wasn’t ready to for another one my family members to transition. It’s not my decision though. I will definitely miss my birthday wishes from you and how you would never missed one. Wherever I was you made it your point to say happy birthday nephew. There are so many memories that I have of you that know one will begin to comprehend. Thank You for truly being an Auntie to me teaching me and loving me, even when I was difficult to love you would always say hey Baby. You can rest now Auntie. Tell everyone I said hello and I love them, until we meet again I’ll have you here in my heart.

  26. Ms. Tina was such a special person. She was so sweet to me. I remember when we first met she came out to our church retreat together. I enjoyed spending time with her that weekend. And every time I’ve had the chance to be around her she always made me feel like family. I’m so glad that I got to know her. I’m praying for her son, Kevin and all of her family. She will be missed.

  27. The world feels different today, and I am nowhere near okay.

    The Word of God tells us that death is something we all have to go through, and I trust that this beautiful woman, my mother, is with God.

    Selfishly, I am still sad. Sad about all of the memories that we no longer will be making. But, I have trust and faith in the Most High and believe that whatever is next is better. To trust is to rejoice that her heartaches and burdens that are apart of life in this world are no more.

    I have only one specific request at this time: as you leave condolences in honor of her, please continue to pray for the impact and aftereffect of her life and death to help someone along the journey to knowing and trusting the God who has the power over death and life. To Him I joyfully, yes, joyfully, say farewell to and put forward my mommy’s beautiful soul.

  28. Son I don’t have the words but anyone who knew your mother and I know the love and friendship we shared I just pray that you Mark and Larahn get through your mothers transition with the peace and the love of God be with y’all.


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