Ms. Hope Yolanda Goodwin Smith

(October 27, 1957)
Viewing Location:
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Chapel, 1831 Taylor Street, Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Saturday, January 13, 2024 / 3:00 P.M.
Interment Location:
Our prayers and condolences to the family and relatives.
To the Smith family I send my condolences and prayers. Hope was an awesome person with such a beautiful heart and a smart mouth. I am going to miss laughing with her every day. She was such a ray of sunshine. I know she is looking down on us right now with a smile on her face. We all are so blessed to just to have had her in our lives. I love you Hope.
FAMILY, Always know we will meet her again and Hope is rejoicing with all our other loved ones. Yes, as she would always say to me, “It’s just not fair” – but now she knows and understands it all.
Auntie Venzetta
Sending my condolences and prayers to the family, Remember she will always being looking over you and you have memories of a lifetime,my dearest(sista)I’m gonna miss you!!!R I P
Sending my sincerest condolences to Natasha, Michelle, Torrie and family.
My prayers for you all, is that God will give you comfort when and as needed. May the love she gave to you surround you like a hug when sadness comes your way. Peace, Love and Blessings now and forevermore to the family.
RIP Ms. Smith
My condolences to Corey Dominic and Michelle. Your mother and sister was one of a kind. I know that your hearts are heavy at this time, but you will always have memories. She is with Hal now. Just keep your hands in God’s hands
My condolences to the family
To Michelle,
I know you are in pain for loosing your sister but she will always be in your heart forever. Try to remember to good times.