Ms. Jessica Violette Greene

Ms. Jessica Violette Greene
(October 15, 1985 - November 25, 2022)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home 1831 Taylor Street Columbia, SC
Viewing Date & Time: Thursday, December 1, 2022 / 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Funeral Location: Leevy's Funeral Home Chapel 1831 Taylor Street Columbia, SC
Funeral Date & Time: Friday, December 2, 2022 / 11:00 a.m.
Interment Location: Lincoln Cemetery 4900 Farrow Road Columbia, SC

Guestbook For:

Ms. Jessica Violette Greene


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Miss Jessica. I pray your strength during this difficult time of bereavement. God Bless & keep you in perfect peace!❣️🙏🏽

  2. My deepest condolences to the family,Jessica I considered a daughter of mine.My daughter Star and Jessica were close friends and she was allowed to come to my house and also my daughter went to Mrytle Beach with the family.My prayers are with the family and friends.🙏😪

  3. Our prayers go out to the Greene family on the passing of your dear loved one. Ronnie and Nadine Dreher and family

  4. We are praying for yall

  5. As a new Kid struggling to fit in at Lower Richland High School, Jessica befriended me very quickly. We shared several courses together including home room due to our last names being nearly identical. Her last name is Greene while mine was spelled Green without an “e” at the end. As our friendship continued to blossom, we affectionately began calling each other “Twin.” We could spot each other at opposite ends of the hallway or across the Band Room. Regardless of the distance, one of us would yell very loudly “Twin!” It was kind of like our inside joke because in our hearts we felt like Twins, but looked nothing alike. I remember one day, another Classmate overheard us calling each other, Twin. He questioned it. However, Jessica, being so witty, said “Oh, yes, you don’t see the resemblance?” Then, we joke about him needing to look closer because it was obvious to us. Our friendship continued to grow as we would have frequent sleepovers at each other houses. One day in High School, Jessica presented me with a gift. It was a plaque that was entitled “Friends Forever” with a special poem. It is still hanging in the hallway at my Parents house nearly 20 years later. I will cherish it forever. Jessica was so loving and thoughtful with a big heart. As strict as my Parents were, when I first got my driver’s license, they would actually allow me to drive straight to Jessica’s house. I remember scooping her up one day. As we approach the stop sign by her house, I had a fear of pulling out on the main highway. So, we must have waited there at the stop sign for over 10 minutes. Jessica could have asked me to take her back home. Instead, she was supportive and simply asked me if I was going to finally go? I confessed to her that I was afraid as a new Driver. Eventually, we were able to drive off with the help of her encouragement. Jessica was such a beautiful Person on the inside and out. She had an infectious laugh and smile that can never be forgotten. My heart is truly broken. I will love her forever. Mr. Greene, Mrs. Greene, and Johnathan, you all were always so welcoming and kind to me. You have my deepest sympathy. I pray that God comforts you during this difficult time.

  6. My condolences to the Greene family during your time of bereavement. Jessica was a loving and sweet person. Our friendship and memories from Elementary School to playing on the orchestra side by side I will forever cherish. You will truly be missed my dear friend. I love you always Jess

  7. Mrs. Greene I am so sorry to hear of Jessica’s passing. I’ve always held my friendship with her close to my heart. We would message each other occasionally over the years and I will miss her dearly. You and your family are in my prayers.

  8. Forever in my prayers.

  9. Dear Ophelia and family,
    I send you my sincere condolences. I will always remember Jessica and what a beautiful little girl she was when I was teaching at Gadsden Elementary. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Lara Popovich

  10. My deepest condolences to the family. I remember Jessica was always a joy and played in the handbell choir at Northminster. Although her earthly presence will be missed, the lives she impacted will remain with us forever.

  11. My deepest condolences to the family. Jessica (Tweety) was a really good friend of mine in grade school. I have great memories with her. She was the first person I was allowed to sleep over at their house. We had the best sleepovers and parties. I deeply regret losing touch with this beautiful soul and will miss her. RIP Tweety!!!

  12. Sending our deepest heartfelt sympathy and condolences to you and the entire family. Your beautiful daughter, Jessica will be missed, but forever in your heart. We are praying for God to give you strength, comfort and peace during this difficult time and in the days ahead. 🙏🏽❤️

  13. Jessica I have no words to help to soothe daddy and mom Ophelia in this season.
    My favorite memory is us sitting on the front steps at the house in Columbia with me cuddling you
    Until our next brace…
    Love your big sister Kasaundra

  14. Mr and Mrs Greene… your home was a second home to me growing up. Jessica was one of the first people that befriended me when I started 7th grade at Webber School. That friendship maintained for decades. We affectionately called each other “sissy” because we were two peas in the pod for the longest. She was Jai and I was Jai 2… I spent many nights in the your home, joined in your family vacations, visited your church… if there was one Jessica the other Jessica wasn’t far behind. We shared so many memories and so much laughter. I will cherish those moments forever. Even though we would lose touch, we would always find our way back to each other… this time it will be in a much better place. She will forever be in my heart. I’m so sorry for your loss. Fly high sissy! I love you.

  15. I fondly remember babysitting Jessica. When we were young I thought of her as more than a neighbor, I thought of her like a little sister; I even taught her how to drive. I’m sorry we lost touch and I’m sadden that she lost her way. She was smart, talented and possessed so much potential. While her departure from this Earth occurred way too soon. Her family and friends should take solace in the fact that she is no longer in pain. RIP Jellybean.

  16. Jessica was one of my first babies when I started teaching.I got to experience her beautiful voice and violin playing. Mr. and Mrs. Greene and Jonathan (you’re one of mine, too), know that I love your family, dearly. We are praying for your peace and comfort during this time.

  17. Ophelia, Johnny, and Jonathan, It is with heartfelt
    sympathy I write to you. Isaiah 40:1
    “Comfort, oh comfort my people,” says your God.
    This is a time I don’t know what to say or do. I
    want you to know that you are in my thoughts
    and prayers. No parent wants their children to
    leave this world before them. I pray that the God
    of Peace brings you the healing you need during
    this most difficult time. Call me if you ever
    want to talk. Remembering Jessica.

  18. Condolences and prayers to the Greene family in the loss of beautiful Jessica.

  19. Condolences 🙏 to the Greene family.

  20. Me and Mrs Green

    Sorry to hear about the loss of Jessica. My prayers and thoughts are with you as you go through this difficult time. Janice Henry Wilson and family.

  21. My sincere condolences to my dear sister/friend. My God be with you and your family as you contintue forward.
    Love you

  22. My deepest condolences and prayers to the Green Family. Jessica was in Altrusettes Federated Girls with my daughter, they shared many trips and meetings together.
    Our deepest sympathy to you and your family.

  23. Those we love don’t go away.
    They walk beside us every day,
    Unheard and unseen but always near,
    Still loved, still missed and always DEAR

  24. Johnny and Ophelia I have kept you
    In my prayers, since learning of the passing of your “dear”Jessica . No words can be spoken at this time to ease the pain you and the family are experiencing right now. Please know your church family and friends are here for you and will support you all during this difficult time. Jessica is now resting, no more pain; and truly is in a better place. God bless all of you!
    Gladys Carter and family

  25. My deepest sympathy to the Greene family during their time of bereavement. A spunky and energetic friend you were and your affectious smile will truly be missed. Rest In Peace forever my friend….

    Theo Hart c/o 2003 LRHS

  26. To the entire Green family:

    I am so sorry to hear about Jessica. She was my classmate and friend for many years. My condolences goes out to you all. You will be in my prayers.

  27. Mr. & Mrs. Greene, no words can heal at a time like this but please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and Jonathan at this time. One day you’ll be able to think about Jessica and smile for the time you had, and the wonderful person she was instead of cry for your loss. I pray for your healing. ❤️🕊️

  28. Mr. and Mrs. Greene and family, With my deepest sympathy for your loss of Jessica, I offer prayers that God’s love fills your heart with peace and love. I am praying that God gives you the strength and comfort you may during this time. Continue to lean on God.

  29. Johnnye and Ophelia, Jessica was a bright and charming young lady. I remember her as she and my daughter shined as Altrusettes Federated Girls. She will surely be missed.
    Our deepest sympathy to you and your family. Hoping that the support of loved ones and friends brings you comfort during this sad time.
    Jessica, we love you, but we know that God loves you best. Rest in Paradice, Jessica.

  30. Heartfelt condolences and prayers are extended to the Greene Family in the lost of their daughter. May you continue to cherish beautiful memories of Jessica. I will always remember her as a loving quite spirited friendly young lady as she grew up in church.

  31. Heartfelt condolences and prayers are extended to the Greene Family in the lost of their daughter. May you continue to cherish beautiful memories of Jessica. I will always remember her as a loving quite spirited friendly young lady as grew up in church.

  32. Heartfelt condolences and prayers are extended to the Greene Family in the lost of your loved one. May you continue to cherish the memories of Jessica’s beautiful loving spirit. I will always remember her as a beautiful loving friendly child as she grew up in church participating in service.

  33. Jessica was a very hard-working student who provided a lot of positivity and appreciation to her teachers.

    She had faith in God and. was appreciative of those around her who helped and supported her.

  34. To the Greene Family my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  35. I’m so saddened by the news. I just recently started working with Jessica as her Success Coach at Bryan University. She was bright, determined funny, sweet & spunky. In the short time I worked with her we had many laughs & could relate with each other. I know that she is healed now & no longer in pain. I’m thankful I was able to know her, even in the short amount of time of knowing her, she brought joy into my life. My thoughts & prayers are with you all.

  36. Our condolences to the Greene family. We will keep you in our prayers.
    -The Bryan University Family

  37. My deepest condolences to the Greene family on behalf of losing a loved one. Jessica was such as beautiful head strong female whom I had the pleasure of meeting in April 2016 along with my daughters whom she later claimed as her own. You will truly be missed by me and the girls please continue to look down on us from heaven above. RIP JESSICA💕🥺.

  38. Sincere condolences are extended to the Greene family . Jessica was a charming young lady. I have fond memories of her as a caring and dedicated member of the former Altrusettes Federated Girls Club ( now Altruist Federated Youth Culb). May God provide you with the comfort you need during this difficult time. RIP Jessica.


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