Ms. Lenora Janet Moore

Ms. Lenora Janet Moore
(December 14, 1941 - February 12, 2025)
Viewing Location: Leevy's Funeral Home, 1831 Taylor Street, Columbia, South Carolina
Viewing Date & Time: Sunday, February 16, 2025/ 2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Funeral Location: Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witness, 1048 West Shady Grove Drive, Irmo, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Monday, February 17, 2025/ 11:00 A. M.
Interment Location: Lincoln Cemetery, 4900 Farrow Road, Columbia, South Carolina

Guestbook For:

Ms. Lenora Janet Moore


  1. Sister Moore,

    You will be deeply missed. May Jehovah hold you close in His Memory book, and may you awaken to a beautiful world filled with peace, where the pain of death no longer exists. Your spirit will always remain in our hearts.

  2. my condolences to the entire family .i will miss her also i can always treasure the days out with her in the ministry her love for Jehovah and Jesus is still there because they will never forget.JOB 14:13

  3. I’m so going to miss my dear Sister Moore. We had so many talks where we would laugh to the point of crying sometimes. She was so funny at times. But what I admired the most was her love for Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ. She loved to talk to people about Jehovah. She was confident in his promise to bring the dead back to life again. Oh how we long for the last enemy death to be brought to nothing. So our dear sister is sleeping awaiting this beautiful promise from our God Jehovah. Our sincere condolences to Tony, Timmie. Felice, Tonya and Taylor. Your mother and grandmother loved you very much.

  4. Condolences to the family of Mrs. Lenora Moore may rest rest in peace

  5. She will be missed by so many who dearly loved her. So as she is now in a deep sleep and no longer in pain we all need to be patient to wait for the time when when her and our loving God, Jehovah will awaken her in a healthy and vibrant body ready to live in a beautiful world world he has created and death will be gone forever. So be determined to stay close to Jehovah so we will all be here to welcome her back.

  6. Those we love are not never really lost to us –
    for their special love lives on.

    May the light of love
    and the warmth of memories
    bring peace to your world
    in this time of sorrow.

    Psalm 34:18
    The LORD is closed to the


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