Mrs. Youko Sawatani Matthews

Mrs. Youko Sawatani Matthews
(September 26, 1934 - June 26, 2022)
Viewing Location:
Viewing Date & Time:
Funeral Location: Inurnment: Fort Jackson National Cemetery 4170 Percival Road Columbia, South Carolina
Funeral Date & Time: Wednesday, July 6, 2022 / 10:00 A.M.
Interment Location:

Guestbook For:

Mrs. Youko Sawatani Matthews


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you love and prayers during this incredibly difficult time.

  2. Our hearts break for you, Paula and Mimi. Miss Youko was one of a kind and will leave a huge hole in your lives. We love you!

  3. An awesome lady, it was great to have known Youko – condolences to the family.

  4. My deepest sympathy to Paula, Christina, Mimi and Family. Youko was a devoted mother grandmother and friend. She will be very much missed. My she rest in peace

  5. To: Naomi & Mimi and other family: Sorry for your loss, praying for each of you.

    Wanda & Jessica


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